PiPPi | 9 years ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 1.6K views
ID Production likes this!
I haven't been using BT in quite a while but recently built a new PC and was asked to do some 3D-work.
I upgraded to the latest BT Pro-version and I'm glad I did and I'm glad I started working with BT again. It now feels more solid than ever and there's a number of small new things that make for the best BT-experience yet.
I just needed to update some of my old work and haven't touched too much on the new capabilities but I'm sure I'll have a blast going through it all.
Thanks to all the developers, keep it up.
Stockholm, Sweden
Thank you very much PiPPi, that's the feedback that keeps us going!
Merry Christmas!
michiel, 9 years ago
Merry Christmas Michiel,
Cool thing is that the intro-work I updated paid for the upgrade and some X-mas presents.
PiPPi, 9 years ago