NextPreviousHomeLearning through Bixpacks

PiPPi | 12 years ago | 1 comment | 8 likes | 3.7K views

mrbernd, Carlos Marques, agpvn and 5 others like this!

Hi guys,

I have purchased the Bixpacks pretty much as soon as I get the e-mail.

Haven't had time to do more than play with BT but this week I was asked to create a short intro so I tried. It's based on the "tunnel"-design in Bixpack 5. Be sure it's a very learning experience to go through the Bixpack clips in details :)

For a full HD quality pop-up, click here

As usual it's best viewed in full screen HD 1080p, let it load before play and use good speakers/headphones.

The piston & rod model comes from in .STL format and converted with MeshLab to .obj-format, then into Cinema 4D, exported to .x format and imported to BluffTitler. Final rendering and sound mixing in Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum.


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Excellent use of the templates. Great work!!!

michiel, 12 years ago

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