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PiPPi | 2 years ago | 9 comments | 12 likes | 1.1K views

xinyi, chaver, michiel and 9 others like this!

More modelling, texturing and incorporating Michiels tennis ball. Still struggling a bit, don't look too close.

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Nice contrast between rusty and shiny. Well done!

michiel, 2 years ago

Thanks michiel. I'm also a fan of that kind of mix. A few firsts in there, my first camera fly-around-subject and first use of DOF.

I'm still struggling with the meshes though, I spent hours on trying to find a setup to import reversed Normal polygons into Quixel Mixer for correct UV mapping of the inside of the cage model but no go. I haven't given up but you can see the non-UV cheat at the corners of the cage.

Reversed face polygons of course work in BluffTitler :)

PiPPi, 2 years ago

it's escapeeeeeeed !!!

Franco Aversa, 2 years ago

Très joli. super la cage rouillée !!!

le beau jojo, 2 years ago


chaver, 2 years ago

The picture layer features a ROUNDED CUBE style. This can be used as an alternative to a 3D model.

This style accepts a picture in the equirectangular format. I used Bixorama to convert your texture to this format.

michiel, 2 years ago

Pretty good. I'm not very good with Bixorama, not knowing the whats and whys on the import but I tested real quick and got this result. Displacement mapping.

PiPPi, 2 years ago

Wow that's an awesome rusty cage. What did you use o make it?

lightads, 2 years ago

lightads, thanks. It took me quite a while to learn the details of this kind of texturing but in short: The model is a very basic cube with bevelled edges that is multitextured in BluffTitler.

Simplifying it greatly, there are two texture images used for this kind of work. Both are plain flat images. One is used by BluffTitler for the color and the other for the 3D effect. Together they create the sort of 3D texture effects that I have posted lately.

See the image for an example, the image to the left sets the colors, the image to the right sets the depth effects of the rust and the rivets.

The trick for this cage is to use an image format that handles transparency. I.e. the main image has "holes" in it which is why you can see into the cage.

For more on multitexturing in BluffTitler, there's a link with media files that you can experiment on the link here:

PiPPi, 2 years ago

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