NextPreviousHomeBlender, edited GLBs and fixing non-exported materials

PiPPi | 2 years ago | 1 like | 427 views

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I'm slowly but surely becoming a "friend" of Blender. I'm at least coming to grips, sort of, with how it works and am starting to understand the solutions when I Google.

In my endeavors with testing an animated GLB file yesterday, removing frames and such, I lost the embedded texture at export. I.e. as per the attached image. I'm not sure why, as I've edited GLB files earlier with no problems but so be it.

So I Googled and now I have used Blender enough to understand issues like this and the solutions. On the link here:

It's got to do with the internal GLB-format, quote: "As per the documentation for Blender’s glTF 2.0 add-on, if you want the add-on to export textures, the material must be a Principled BSDF material in Blender."

I followed the instructions on the link and "Voilá", it worked.

As a bonus I found yet another good on-line file checker that also works good with GLB-files. Check it out at
I foll

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