NextPreviousHomeMore work from Bixpack templates

PiPPi | 10 years ago | 4 comments | 10 likes | 2.4K views

africanjim, vincent, IntroChamp and 7 others like this!

So as to give some hope to amateurs like me, here's another use of a Bixpack template that I've modified slightly and put into "production" as an intro for some of my videos.

I buy every Bixpack as soon as they come out and this is from Bixpack 8.

Never mind the subject of the video unless you are very much into drag racing :)


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Seeing a template being used always puts a big smile on my face.

Great feedback, thank you!

michiel, 10 years ago

Wow!! what an entry , great show.

Dani, 10 years ago

Totally awesome!

IntroChamp, 10 years ago


brntguy, 10 years ago

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