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michiel | 12 years ago | 31 comments | 8 likes | 8.4K views

IBMedia, vincent, dangbaoquan and 5 others like this!

The tool formerly known as videowall tool has:

1) a new name: slideshow tool

2) a new address: select PRODUCTS > SLIDESHOW TOOL from the main menu

3) a new effect: collage

4) a new GUI: thumbnail preview, hidden elements and tooltips

A big THANK YOU for all your comments and requests!

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Hi Michiel,

Can you explain what is different between Flatwall and Collage? because they look the same to me.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

IBMedia, it was your feature request:

michiel, 12 years ago

hhmmm ...

OK, hhmm ...

I'm thinking hard how to get out of this! ...

I believe I asked for the Flatwall in one article and the Collage in another article ....

Forgive me, please ...

IBMedia, 12 years ago

Maybe the word collage is not well chosen.

The idea is to completely fill the area with pictures of different sizes. (in contrast to pictures of the same size with the flat wall composition)

michiel, 12 years ago

Got it now.

When you say it like that, I remember why I asked for it, ... AND ... what I wanted to do with it!

Thanks, Michiel.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

I tried to generate a videowall Cols=30 and Rows=20, but in the generated BT file last layer is Picture row 14, col 24, then a sphere with Cols=32 Rows=20 but in the generated bt file last layer is Picture row 13, col 30.
I have generated Bt files without enter full path of a local picture informatation. What's wrong ?

vincent, 12 years ago

This requires 30 x 20 = 600 online shows and I think there are not that many available.

I advise you to provide a path to a local picture (the Full path of a local picture option) and make sure there are at least 600 pictures in this folder. Preferably low resolution ones to prevent out of memory and long loading time problems.

michiel, 12 years ago

Thanks, i shall make more tests

vincent, 12 years ago

Michiel, i did some tests, for example i ask a show with Cols=36 and Rows=1 (cylinder, 36pics + giving path) , but generator create a show with 32 cols only !!! as if there was a limitation to 32. Please verify and tell me, thanks in advance.

vincent, 12 years ago

Vincent you are absolutely right, the maximum value was set to 32.

It's now set to 100.

I did a quick test with a 100 x 2 videowall and this looks pretty cool.

Again be careful with using that amount of pictures. You are pushing your system to the max. Your show will take minutes to load (or even hours with HD pictures) and you risk out of video memory errors that might not be handled ok by your video driver.

michiel, 12 years ago

thank you Michiel, i'm experimenting something with sphere and i hope i'll post result here. Thanks again for the changes.

vincent, 12 years ago

Michiel, sorry but it seems generation stops to 414 layers for big numbers of cols/rows, i tried sphere with C=40 R=20 then last layer is R11 C14, last layers varies according number of cols/rows entered but the last layer seems to be always the #414. Thanks

vincent, 12 years ago

Vincent, I think that is the reason why we use a limitation on the number of pictures :)

Maybe the server timed out because of the huge show file it had to generate. If this is the case I think it can be fixed.

I will create a folder with lots of very small pictures and see if I can reproduce and fix the problem. I'll let you know the result on this page!

michiel, 12 years ago

Thank you Michiel.

vincent, 12 years ago

Michiel, just a suggestion : when we change the effect or the second texture on a layer and when 'all layers' is checked BT change the 1st texture too, so all layers become the same and for slideshow it's a little anoying, i think it would be better that BT echoes on other layers only the modified parameter in F8/F9 dialog box, or maybe to have a checkbox (all layers) for 1st,2nd texture and effect wich appear when all layers is checked in main window.

vincent, 12 years ago

i tried using this yesterday evening and selected a route folder for my pictures but kept getting errors about the location? what might be causing this ?

GlenFranklin, 12 years ago

just thinking, do i need the correct amount of pictures, ie for a slideshow with 10rows x 5 columns i would need 50photos? if i have more than 50 is it a problem ? and i have less than 50 maybe a problem also ????

GlenFranklin, 12 years ago

GlenFranklin, i think you must precise the folder AND the 1st picture name

vincent, 12 years ago

mmm ok will try that as well, thanks for the support ;-)

GlenFranklin, 12 years ago

Vincent, as a stresstest I tried to create a slideshow with 100 columns and 100 rows. This generated a massive 5 MB show file with the scary amount of 100 x 100 = 10.000 picture layers.

Rendering was extremely slow and editing was impossible, but I did not find any errors.

I advise you to download the show file first by saving it to a temporary folder on your harddisk, make sure the file is fully downloaded and then open it in BluffTitler.

To prevent out of memory problems I used very small pictures with a resolution of only 160 x 90 pictures. I also closed all other apps.

michiel, 12 years ago

Thank you Michiel, i will do more tests maybe the shows were not fully dowloaded but i had the Save/open final dialog box, my idea was to generate an empty show (no assigned pictures to layers) then with a program assign the pictures locally on my computer. Thank you for your assistance and feedback.

vincent, 12 years ago

Hi Vincent,

Just a suggestion, by trying to create an "empty" show, you're probably making it more complicated for yourself than you need.

I had a discussion with Michiel about almost the same situation.

When you assign a local folder for the images, and say for example the folder contains 415 images .... the BT show will have the images as /folder/firstimage[0] to /folder/firstimage[414]

AND, the index number 0 to 414 is the 415 images in alphabetical order.

So, if you name the images as Image000, Image001, .... Image413, Image414 you can control which images are displayed in which order.

Hope that helps you.

(Michiel, if I explained that wrong, can you correct me?)

IBMedia, 12 years ago

IBMedia, 100% correct!

michiel, 12 years ago

Thank you IBMedia and Michiel.

vincent, 12 years ago

Merci Michiel, je vais tester l'application

thethbac, 11 years ago

cho em xin cai nay voi

dangbaoquan, 10 years ago

I downloaded a 'blank' slideshow, which actually contains all of the image layers shown. I set the composition to a Sphere and left all the other setting alone. I wanted to see if I could have just a single image layer fly out and fill the screen. This is all for a basic INTRO I want to create to use with all of my videos. What I have noticed that when the image is flying out at one point it shakes for a little bit before it stops. Anyone know what would be causing this?

BTW: Yes, you have to be very specific as to your file location. I couldn't get it to recognize a folder, I had to specify the exact file. Then when I created the slideshow it place that image in ALL the rows and columns, which for me use that's probably what I will want anyway.

MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago

What happens when you export your show as a video file.

Does this video shake when you play it in Windows Media Player?

michiel, 9 years ago

Interesting, when I play it in BT the image gets the shakes about 1.5 sec in and then is OK after it gets past 1.5s. After I save it as a movie it runs smooth.

MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago

MrGruntHunter, i sent you a project for flying pictures (slideshow).

vincent, 9 years ago

I have only used this tool one time, but, I must say, it is awesome!

eugene57, 9 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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