michiel | 9 months ago | 7 comments | 12 likes | 822 views
vincent, Ilja, Tintin and 9 others like this!
We've updated our Sketchfab channel with new examples: sketchfab.com...
All models have been created by exporting a BluffTitler show using the new FILE > EXPORT AS MODEL... feature: outerspace-software.com...
The following things have been added in Sketchfab (because the GLB format does not support it):
-background picture (SCENE > BACKGROUND)
-cube map texture (LIGHTING > ENVIRONMENT)
The GLB format supports camera settings, including animations. BluffTitler exports it, but at this moment, Sketchfab ignores it. We've used the SAVE VIEW button on Sketchfab to set the default camera position and rotation.
The robotic arm layer had been forgotten when we were implementing the export as model feature 😳😳😳 This has now internally been implemented and is being prepared for release. outerspace-software.com...
I hope this gives a good impression of the power of the new export as model feature. Looking forward to see your work on Sketchfab! Here's how to embed a Sketchfab model in this community : outerspace-software.com...
Please do not forget to like and subscribe. Just like on YouTube, this really helps the project. Thank you 😘
Looking forward to the new version, don't forget to export the MX deformation properties of the model. haha
shoji M, 9 months ago
Nice Michiel. Thought the missing robotarm was on purpose. Can't wait.
Is there a was to get an effect like the rainbow.cfx?
Filip, 9 months ago
Thank you all!
Just realized why the shows look so good on Sketchfab: there are no video compression artifacts, it's all razor sharp!
michiel, 9 months ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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