michiel | 18 years ago | 21 comments | 16 likes | 13.5K views
Jenny, rsp, habed and 8 others like this!
This is a kind of credit roll where names are alternated with screens with flowers. A name flies in, the flowers fly in, the flowers fly out and a new name appears.
If you want to use this animation as a template, all you have to do is typing your own names in the included XML file. You can use any text editor, including notepad, to edit XML files.
Thanks to Gill for the inspiration!
This is a great one. I can see replacing the flower with faces or other pics. Thanks for sharing!
JimH, 18 years ago
Wunderschoener Effekt! Wenn man die Sonnenblume gegen eine Rose tauscht, Text und Hintergrundfarbe veraendert, kann man diese Animation gut fuer Geburtstagsgruesse verwenden.
Ulli, 18 years ago
very good i like it keep up the good work.
james nahar, 18 years ago
This is a good one ! I like it. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity .
oldman1, 18 years ago
good one indeed!
rsp, 18 years ago
Jenny, 18 years ago
I really loved your effect. Being new with BT and making kids videos I found your effect so right for me. But since I upgraded to V6 the flowers show a white square so the whole effect is lost. What should I do? In fact, lots of effects I donwnloaded andworked fine with V5 are showing problems with V6. :(
habed, 18 years ago
I've updated the zip file of this article with a version 6 compatible version.
Version 6 no longer supports separate _alpha files. So all I had to do is replacing the 24 bits Flower.png and Flower_alpha.png pictures into a single 32 bits Flower.png picture.
michiel, 18 years ago
What happens when you select the fx file yourself with the CHANGE EFFECT button?
michiel, 18 years ago
The effect you should select is NoLighting_NoZWrite.fx. This effect file is included in the zip file of the animation.
On our test systems the animation looks exactly the same in version 6 as it does in version 5.
michiel, 18 years ago
I still don't find the "XML file" I dont see in my compu. the only file I have is the .BT nor the zip.
Can anyboy can help me please, is the info for the Flowers and Names.
Anselmo, 17 years ago
When you choose FILE / SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES... the XML file will be saved to your harddisk as well (together with the flower texture and all the other media files)
Choose SETTINGS / TOOL WINDOW to display the tool menus.
michiel, 17 years ago
I'm using this show but when I save it to video it ends with the flowers still on the screen. I'd like it to finish when all the flowers are faded off. I tried extending the time from 6 to 8 seconds but it extends all loops. Is there a way I can only extend the last loop to get what I want? Gracias
habed, 15 years ago
What you can do is:
-use your video editor/NLE to cut off the flowers at the end
-when BT is creating the AVI file, press ESCAPE just before the flowers appear in the last loop
michiel, 15 years ago
I apologise for posting my question in the wrong section
I have been studying this lovely show Is there a way I can keep the yellow daisies with the same animation but , instead of a blue background, have a transparent background ? Or alternatively, change the colour of the background, please
Dolly, 13 years ago
You can set the background colour with the LIGHT COLOUR property of the ambient light layer (layer 2)
You can export your show with transparency information by choosing one of the "with transparency" options in the FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE... dialog.
michiel, 13 years ago
Thank you
Dolly, 13 years ago
I have been examining the daisy animation in this show (layer 8:particle"flower2 png"+). Because of the + symbol, I wonder if this is an attached layer. However, it isn't clear to me what it would be attached to because the daisies are still visible even when I delete the text layers.
I created a new show, to try to get a similar result. So I deleted the text layer and added a particle layer. I chose bubbles ,changed the texture to flower2 and then changed all the colour options to yellow. This resulted in a mass of yellow daisies flying towards the front of the screen. But despite the various options and sliders I couldn't notiiceably slow them down . And in no way could I make them come fowards and backwards as in the above show. I appreciate that in the show I created this layer doesn't have a + symbol and therefore doesn't replicate what you did.
I know I could use yours as a template and substitute the text. But I feel that I am missing something really important that , if it were explained, would help me enormously to understand what I'm doing rather than slavishly use templates
I would therefore be very grateful if you could explain how I can achieve the same daisy animation as in your show, please
Dolly, 13 years ago
A plus symbol (+) is added to the layer name when it is animated. Also a plus symbol (+) is added to the property name when it is animated.
This quickly tell you that only the EMISSION property of the particle layer is being animated. This prop controls the number of particles emitted per second. When set to 0 the particles disappear, making the texts visible.
To find out which properties have a non-standard value it helps setting the ADD - SIGN TO NON DEFAULT PROPERTIES checkbox in the SETTINGS > GENERAL OPTIONS dialog.
The user guide explains all the particle layer properties:
michiel, 13 years ago
Thank you for answering so quickly. A lot of things are now falling into place
Dolly, 13 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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