michiel | 9 years ago | 8 comments | 5 likes | 3.8K views
vincent, ID Production, LostBoyz and 2 others like this!
Bixorama is a tool for converting, generating and modifying panoramic photos. The result can be used as a reflection or cubemap in BluffTitler.
But there's more: in the above screenshot you can see how to generate a 12 photo dodecahedron sphere texture!
This requires Bixorama 4.0, which is a free upgrade for all users.
Click on the screenshot to learn about the new features. Thank you all for your suggestions and feature requests!
Muchas gracias Michiel, me satisface ver como ha podido lograr una nueva versión de bixorama para que se pueda realizar una idea que yo pretendía hacer con blufftitler. Fenomenal.
persiana, 9 years ago
Estoy probando la DEMO de Bixorama con el balón de la Champions, pero la textura no sale bien, aunque sigo los pasos del tutorial.
?que estoy haciendo mal? pues es la primera vez que utilizo este programa.
Dejo aquí la textura
persiana, 8 years ago
Your star has 5 points so this fits on the dodecahedron.
Make sure the centre of the star is also the centre of the picture. Only the upper point should hit the border. Here's how it looks like.
michiel, 8 years ago
And here's the equirectangular output of Bixorama. I have use a TEXTURE SIZE of 0.85 in the options dialog.
It's interesting to see what this projection does to the sharp points at the poles :)
michiel, 8 years ago
Seguí tus recomendaciones y salió perfecto. El problema era que no coincidía el centro de la estrella con el de la imagen.
Muchas gracias, ahora tendré que comprar el programa.
persiana, 8 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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