NextPreviousHomePenguin Dance

komies | 9 years ago | 2 comments | 8 likes | 2.6K views

vincent, liuyongcai, maggiau and 5 others like this!

Designfactory asked the following Question:

So I went and tried something out and came up with 2 animations of a penguin.

This is the Dancing Penguin, made with the DancingFool effect.
I downloaded this free penguin from turbosquid:

And I converted into an .X model.
And that is it, the DancingFool effect works great with this model. I downloaded the music from youtube to sync and then removed it for the copyright issues and added it back to the animation.

I can't share these simple shows because of the model, it's not mine :(

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Extraordinario Komies. ¿Que nombre le has puesto al baile?. Espero que registres la patente de la coreografía

persiana, 9 years ago

Persiana, the dance is called Megadyptes antipodance.
Persiana, la danza se llama Megadyptes antipodance.

The rights enshrined in Auckland, New Zealand and the violation of these rights is a fine of 200 red cod and 100 squid.

Los derechos consagrados en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda y la violación de estos derechos es una multa de 200 bacalao rojo y 100 calamar.

komies, 9 years ago

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