komies | 8 years ago | 5 comments | 9 likes | 3.0K views
michiel, Dani, crispin and 6 others like this!
Another Great Year, and still many features to come with the next release.
This is a simple and small present for now and when the VR 360˚ export comes.
I really whished I had more time to do something "COOL" for this Birthday.
This is an Quote I said at the 10th Anniversary of Blufftitler.
"The next 10 years will be very interesting as Blufftitler goes through Puberty"
And with the amazing Version 12, the Cubemap layer and Displacement effect, and NOW the new coming Layer Effects Blufftitler is going towards his adolescence, imagine who Blufftiler will be come when he is a Full Adult.
komies, 8 years ago
Thank you Komies!
Yes, we're in puberty now :) I am sorry for not organizing a birthday party but I promise we will make this up with the release of the next version later this year that, indeed, will feature full VR 360˚ support!
michiel, 8 years ago
Happy Birthday BT............... We will celebrate this birthday with coming version.
Dani, 8 years ago
Happy Birthday and live BluffTitler.
Jesus, 8 years ago
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