komies | 9 years ago | 9 comments | 7 likes | 3.2K views
liuyongcai, vincent, IntroChamp and 4 others like this!
After Joel did his grass as particle, which looked very nice, I started to experiment with grass as a 3d model particle and it blew me away.
It looks better than I could ever dream off, with lower GPU resources than my first springtime show.
The problem now is that youtube makes a mess of it, and even high bitrate mp4 has difficulties producing the same result as I got in my render window or uncompressed .avi export.
I'm still experimenting with the 3d model and the show, but I would like to get you all up-to-date of the progress.
Wow, what a nice improvement! Stunning!
Yeah, Youtube's com compression algorithm is pretty awful.
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
Same animation, but without DOF and Motion Blur.
Too make it easier for YouTube and compression with mp4.
komies, 9 years ago
Looks like grass rendering is the worst case for video compression. But we should not complain too much about what is basically a free video sharing site.
Grass looks very nice. Maybe by attaching the particles to a transparent picture we can create crop circles and other messages!
Another way is to use the LAUNCH COLOUR and LAUNCH COLOUR TOLERANCE props. This way you can make the particles emit only from a specific colour.
michiel, 9 years ago
To make the 3D model particles render upwards:
-set the LAUNCH SPEED prop to a very small value like 0.1
-set the 2nd dropdown below the textbox to POINTING FLIGHT DIRECTION
michiel, 9 years ago
And to fix the number of particles:
-set the minimum and maximum number of particles to the same number. Set the MIN/MAX PARTICLES property to something like (1000,1000)
-set the LIFETIME prop to the duration of the show
michiel, 9 years ago
Wow it's beautifull.
Filip, 9 years ago
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