NextPreviousHomeChristmas 360° virtual snow ride

komies | 8 years ago | 1 comment | 6 likes | 2.3K views

vincent, Tintin, SparkyVegas and 3 others like this!

This is a 360 4K version, to use with your handheld device or VR glasses, don't get motion sick.
It also works on your desktop by dragging your mouse.

I had so many ideas, but to little time and my damn procrastination!
In my imagination everything works faster while a (photo) show with its 600+ layers it is harder to get all ducks in a row.

Things like, BIX on a sled, EZ with snow (dust) trail and even an EPS AT-AT walking (Rogue One or TESB) past the imagination.

In the BIX-Run version it is easy to replace BIX model with something different by Media/Change Model in Layer 19 you can correct the height so the model stands on the floor by changing it in the Layer 18 Sketch layer. This sketch layer is added from the beginning and present in every Show.

Keep in mind that the rendering of a 160 second show in 4K may take some time. And don't forget after rendering to use the Spatial Media Metadata Injector before posting to Youtube otherwise the 360° doesn't work.

Have Fun, every show can be turned to 360° just select Add VR 360° Layer.

download from here:

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G R E A T !!

Franco Aversa, 8 years ago

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