komies | 8 years ago | 4 comments | 8 likes | 2.3K views
Ulli, snafu, chaver and 5 others like this!
Amiga asked to do the Jurrassic Park T-Rex Water Ripple.
This is what I have so far:
Blufftitler Version 13
The ripples are a picture (layer 10) that grows and fades in a show, and that show is used as a Colourmap layer that the displacement layer (layer 4) uses for it's height and animation.
Can only do surfaces.
Press CTRL + B to export the active colourmap layer as a show.
Use it, change it, improve on it, and learn from it
Thanks a lot for sharing
snafu, 8 years ago
Agreed - thank you for sharing - it is always great when people share their shows - lots to learn from.
stbo, 8 years ago
Thank Komies for sharing your show.
Eddy, 8 years ago
Right stbo, some people use this gallery as a platform to sell their products, they are not really interested in teaching others, they only have comercial purposes.
snafu, 8 years ago
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