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komies | 7 years ago | 22 comments | 11 likes | 3.2K views

SMSgtRod, vincent, chaver and 8 others like this!

A Fast and Dirty show that came to mind when I saw the new Chrome effect.

The text can be found in Content and the .xml file can be edited with notepad.

Use it, Change it, Learn from it.

Music from YouTube audio library: "Sad past" by Silent Partner

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Great show komies :) Thank you for sharing

chaver, 7 years ago

Thanks Komies,
very useful, I like the movement of the floor
and finally I can see how the dynamic content works.
The XLM text was written with a dedicated editor or you just used notepad ?

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

Nice work Alex, i never used XML (maybe because i make few texts animation) but with your example we can understand the powerful of it.
Maybe one day BT could read text (or csv, and why not Excel) file when giving the path in textbox.

vincent, 7 years ago

Thank you all,

Franco, the xml file comes from an installer show DynamicContent\LotsofWords and edited in notepad.

Vincent, I usually don't use xml either but the last few days I saw questions in the community where xml could provide an answer. Because of the different lengths of text in combination with flexibility it doesn't look to static or repetitive.

Have anyone of you googled "HACKERMAN"?
It's from a crowd funded short movie named: Kung Fury and can be found on YouTube.
I usually roll my eyes when I see hacking in tv and movies, but this is so over the top that you can only surrender to the absurdity and smile.

komies, 7 years ago

Now i understand better 80's and 'RETRO'

vincent, 7 years ago

By applying the Filters\Squares effect to the camera layer you can simulate a low resolution screen!

michiel, 7 years ago

Squares.cfx....a kind of Time Machine...

vincent, 7 years ago

And the Filters\CarvedGlass effect can be used to simulate CRT scanlines.

michiel, 7 years ago

Wonderful, Michiel

This is when I like the community the most, collaboration.
Sharing other points of view, tips tricks and suggestions to make a show better.

komies, 7 years ago

Sharing is caring !

snafu, 7 years ago

@komies... a wonderful share. I'll be ripping it apart later today to see how a pro does things with BT. Thank you very very much..... snafu is right.

@michiel... this is crazy. I just get my 4K UHD TV and we are creating Raster Lines and Pixelating everything !!! I remember as a kid our first TV was a 12" screen with a cabinet the size of a dumpster.
I refuse to go back to vertical roll, foil on the rabbit ears, and a snowy picture! LOL


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Here's more advanced technology to make your 4K UHD TV look like a broken 80ties monitor.

In this screenshot I have applied the Filters\Distortion effect to the camera layer.

They don't make screens like this anymore ?

michiel, 7 years ago

Nice !

vincent, 7 years ago

@michiel.... thank you for demonstrating the filter/distortion effect.... I shall avoid it like the plague. LOL


SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Thank you, Sarge

This show only 8 layers a Fast and Dirty made show.
If you want to put your teeth into something try my Dinner show it has 1345 layers for you to download.

komies, 7 years ago

@komies... trying to find what I have that will export in XML???

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

@komies, cool as usual! Thanks for the DL! Also like the mods @michiel... Making me feel a bit old! ;-)

@SMSgtRod... I use a lot of opensource portable apps, which don't have to be installed. Makes it easy when I'm transferring to my laptop to hit the road. Regardless, check out the portable version of Notepad++ at either or then go to the plugins page for Notepad++ and get the XML Tools plugin at

All free tools, and very easy to carry around on a thumb drive!


Amiga (aka CMSgtM-ret) ;-)

amiga, 7 years ago

@komies.... I DL that monster... will check it out over the next few years!! LOL

@Amiga.... Thanks Chief, will check it out.

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

@Amiga: Thanks

@SMSgtRod: Just use notepad to edit the text not the word :-)

A lot of shows I post here is to test some idea's and to find limits and workarounds.

The dinner show was initially made to see if all the tabletops reflections could be done with 1 mirror layer. After that it became to use one cubemap layer for all reflections on the all table settings on all tables. It shows also some limits that now can be remedied by the Never generate reflections option in the Active layer properties. Therefore it is not a template or easily reusable show.

komies, 7 years ago

Thank you Komies...always very smart ...creative thinking...

Dani, 7 years ago

Thank you very much, Komies!
I like your example with the new chrome effect!

Ulli, 7 years ago

Thank you komies.

Sma, 7 years ago

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