NextPreviousHomeBASICS 2.1 DOWNLOAD: Superman 1978 Title Opening

komies | 10 years ago | 11 comments | 4 likes | 4.6K views

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As promised the .bt file of the: Superman 1978 Title Opening.

I tried to keep this .bt show simple so it is easy to follow.

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- The First text layer is Layer04: TEXT “OUTERSPACE SOFTWARE”

- The font I choose had to be close to the original and I wanted it to be an outline font, so I found this:

- I could off chosen a normal font type, and then applied any of the outline options from the third of the Three Layer Listbox, but that didn’t give me enough definition especially when playing with transparency.

- I set for the first pass four keys for the Text Position at 1200, 350, 155, -30 on the timeline at 00:00:00, 00:03:00, 00:04:50, 00:08:00.

- Then on the third key I set the Text Size to 300 (yes you can put a higher number in then the slider allows) and on the fourth key Text Size to 30)

- I then changed to Colour to Blue (0, 0, 255), (Red, Green, Blue).

Now I have an 8 second animation that makes the Blue text extrude from 0 to 300 to 30, and the title from way back (1200) to past the cameraview 0 (-30).

komies, 10 years ago

- Now I went to F9 and changed the Effect and Texture to NotLightened_Additive.fx and ReflectionMap_Silver.jpg this would make it blend (transparent) and give more shades.

- Then I would go over the 4 keys to see the effect and try to get the maximum of clarity and with the extrusion the most shades of blue, instead of a white bluish growing blob that made reading the text unclear.

- I animated this with the Colour and only with the second slider (green) to control and maintain the most shades of blue

- Then I set the Transparency to 0.8 to further this control.

- I realized that I need more keys to control this spread of white bluish blob, so I put two more keys in and adjusted them with the Colour second slider.

- I kept tweaking this until it was good enough for this exercise.

- Al it needed as a fade in from the beginning by animating the Transparency from 1 to 0 from key 1 to key 2.

Now I have made the template that I could Clone (Layer> Clone Active Layer…) and use for the other texts. I did this two times and changed the Text in the Textbox of each layer into BLUFFTITLER and PRESENTS.

komies, 10 years ago

Then I made a new Text Layer and made it again but then so the title would start at -30 then 155, 350, 1200 and fade out. And started the whole process over so I would use this Layer as a template for the other layer that would follow.

After making all the layers, I could go back to the First Text Layer and make changes to the flight path so the text would go up and for the second Text Layer to go down. Then I went to the other layers and placed the Text Layers each on a different start coordinate and change the rotation, so the effect would be that that text fly in from different positions on an angle.

The .EPS Logo SUPERMANLOGO was made with Vincent’s EPS Creator.

komies, 10 years ago

Once this was done I added the starfield (Layer> Add Layer > Add Particle Layer…> Starfield and tweaked the settings:

Changed the texture F9 to flare9.jpg a more star like texture especially up-close.

Launch Position further then 1200 so it became 2000
Spread to 180, 90, 0 so it would fill the screen.
Emission to 20, so I got some more stars.
Gravity to third slider (z-axis) to -60 so it would fly to the camera at a steady pase.
Maximum Age to 10 so the effect would last, past the camera view.
And the Colour and Transparency levels to control the colour and density.

komies, 10 years ago

Are there other ways to get a similar effect, yes there are.
But I thought this was a simple way of doing it with the minimum amount of resources.
All animation is on purpose in the Text Layer because when you Clone the Layer the animation is cloned as well.

Enjoy this .bt file and tweak with the settings just to see what happens.

komies, 10 years ago

It would be nice for the next assignment if some more people would try and post the assigment before the download .bt file, or at least ask questions.

komies, 10 years ago

Hi I am just new to Blufftitler, I find the Superman effect so nice. I try to recreate from start by following your instruction. I successfully create the first text layer. My problem is when I clone it, it start the same timeline with the original layer. How can you move all the key at the same time on a different place in a timeline so that the clone will start after the original layer. I try several ways but my project got scrambled. Thanks very much.

Edgardo San Juan, 10 years ago

Hallo Edgardo and welcome to the blufftitler forum.

This superman effect was a exercise with basic skills in mind, therefore the assignment only required one pass. But I will gladly help you on your way.

1. make sure that all the animation takes place in one layer (in this case the textlayer)
2. Clone this layer, go to the start of the timeline so is says 00:00:000
3. Press ALT+Shift together with the Insert Time button.
4. every time you click the insert time button the keys will move with 1 second. If you followed the lesson you will have to do this 8 times.
5 start from 2 for the other textlayers.
6 after all your textlayers are done, you can change in each layer the starting position so the text will fly in from different locations.

Good luck

Explanation of the Insert Time Button:

When you press this button, all keys greater than the current time are moved to the right 0.1 second. When holding down the CTRL key, the key at the current time is also moved. When holding down the SHIFT key, 1 second is inserted. When holding down the ALT key, only the keys of the active layer are moved.

komies, 10 years ago

I got it thank you very very much.

Edgardo San Juan, 10 years ago

Hi I am also new to Blufftitler, I have downloaded the file and I am trying to add more text layers at the end of the animation with no success. The last text layer ends at 00:02:34 so I understand I should start at this point isn´t it? But when I follow the steps above screw it up.
Many thanks in advance

Mauro, 9 years ago


I see you posted here also, I didn't notice.
Did you get any further with this because it is a bit tricky because of the insert time keyboard and menu combination.

komies, 8 years ago

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