komies | 6 years ago | 20 comments | 19 likes | 2.9K views
Keiko, LostBoyz, vincent and 16 others like this!
I extended the MagicTree sketch so it start out of view and kept it short and with fast loading in mind.
It's yours now to play with, have fun.
Merry Christmas
Bonito Espectáculo y Gracias por compartir. Pases una feliz navidad junto con tu familia y Dios te ilumine siempre.
Jesus, 6 years ago
Komies, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you and your family.
And thanks for sharing, my best wishes
snafu, 6 years ago
Super Show Komies Respect
elvis66, 6 years ago
great show komies, thank you. I downloaded the Zip file and installed the font, however the file Textures\Verticallines3.png was not there, did I miss something with the download or is this in one of the Bixpacks that I do not have?
Pioneer, 6 years ago
I always remove items that come with the installer to save space.
Apparently all verticallines including Verticallines3.png don't come anymore with the new installer, so if you haven't had a previous version on your pc then indeed it would be missing.
Here is a Jpg version (community doesn't alow .png format) just replace it.
Have fun,
komies, 6 years ago
Wonderful particle show and thank you very much for sharing, Komies!
I wish you and yours Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! ?
Ulli, 6 years ago
To do marvelous things with little is great art.
Bravissimo ! and Merry Christmas.
Alex-Raymond T., 6 years ago
Thank you very much komies for sharing. Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year for you and all your family.
Eddy, 6 years ago
Gracias Komies, feliz Navidad y próspero año Nuevo
gato@mo, 6 years ago
Gezegende kerstdagen en bedankt voor het delen van de show. Prachtig!
Filip, 6 years ago
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