NextPreviousHomeNOT A SHOW / Concept SNOW SOUND

komies | 8 years ago | 9 comments | 8 likes | 3.1K views

LostBoyz, xuemei, vincent and 5 others like this!

This is what I got so far,

It is not pretty just a proof of concept that is shareable.
The downloadable show doesn't tell how it is made so here it goes:

I made 1 show with round particle full screen with VJ_Particles_Additive.cfx and used this as colourmap layer (layer 7) and used that layer as Displacement layer for the Landscape layer.

Because of the flashing on the beat to this effect it makes the displacement higher and lower. Then I added a particle layer snow and made it STAND in Landscape so the particles would move with this displacement setting.

The landscape layer is show from above and used transparency to make it invisible.

It is not as nice as the youtube example shown by LostBoyz because it sucks the particle also back again on the beat like a speaker would. That is why the snow it going so fast to compensate the movement.

After 0:40 I turned the effect higher by changing the Displacement Size from 50 to 150.

Play with the show add your own music and maybe you can use it, change it and or learn from it.

Download media files (1.6 KB)

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Interesting trick, forcing displacement (>300) and increase particules turbulences (>1) produce enough good results.
I tried to attach particules to a sketch and apply VJ effect to the sketch but unfortunately that doesn't have effect on the particules.

vincent, 8 years ago

Great! And very fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

Jesus, 8 years ago

Nice show! :)

LostBoyz, 8 years ago

Thank you for sharing

PAT67, 8 years ago

Thanks a lot for sharing

snafu, 8 years ago

Nice hack!

What I'm thinking about is adding a RELATIVE SPEED prop in the particle layer (to control the speed of the particles after launch in a more direct way than the GRAVITY prop) and a way to connect any layer prop to the audio volume in any frequency range. Technically pretty straightforward. The challenge is to prevent the GUI from becoming too abstract.

michiel, 8 years ago

Maybe a checkbox (connect to audio) visible/invisible (or enabled/disabled) near 'all layers' and 'all keys' according the selected property. Like that interface is not too much changed.

vincent, 8 years ago

To do it right I think we need source and target property values as well as input and output ranges. For example when you want the colour of the text to be green, but red when the audio volume is above a certain value. When we hide all this functionality in a dialog (LAYER > Connect to audio?) it won't hurt the simplicity of the GUI and keep the app easy to use for users who are not interested in VJ effects.

This way we an also connect effects to audio frequency ranges. For example to make the small layers respond to high tones and big layers to low tones.

michiel, 8 years ago


vincent, 8 years ago

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