komies | 5 years ago | 9 comments | 9 likes | 2.3K views
persiana, GaspareNet, vincent and 6 others like this!
Last year I made a suggestion to Filip on how to do a Writing of a Nice Font with Bixelangelo and therefore BluffTitler. outerspace-software.com...
I had some time and made it into a proof of concept for all to download.
I wrote the text with the "Kodinah Diary font" dafont.com...
Made a Picture with transparency of this text and used this as background picture so I could make the path the sketch needs to take to reveal the text underneath this a different path than just drawing over the text.
The Sketch is in the show and can be loaded into Bixelangelo for further analysis, but in BluffTiler you can press F2 and See the Colourmap layer in the right top corner. Besides the Resolution and Transparency property in the Colourmap layer(7) I added a Chromekey effect to filter out the BLACK of the sketch on The Picture layer(4) where the Colourmap layer is used as texture.
Although it was not easy or fast to do and a NON-Script font would have been much easier.
Play, Use, and Learn!
Here a 3 minute version so you can see the imperfections but also to let you see that the show can be expanded in duration with out a hitch.
I hope Michiel takes also a look and maybe he can find a faster and easier way to do the same in less layers.
komies, 5 years ago
Belle écriture et effet des particules.
Merci Komies pour le partage et toutes les infos associées.
PAT67, 5 years ago
Merci beaucoup Komies pour les explications et bon show.
Eddy, 5 years ago
you're a real Bluff Master.
It's a great Idea, love it.
Thnx for sharing. I will study it.
Filip, 5 years ago
Great Idea,
my son who is using BluffTitler these days thought that in BluffTitler there was already such an effect, it would be nice if he could implement it.
A successful animation, fantastic Komies!
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
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