komies | 8 years ago | 8 comments | 8 likes | 6.1K views
Ulli, Dani, misterbrains and 5 others like this!
Podrace: The downloadable version:
Originally posted on 14th of April 2016
Turn Shadow softness in layer 2 to 0, for faster playback.
Set Camera Layer 1, Motion Blur to 1 for playback, when rendering it in 60Fps then use 3.
Use DL2 with these changes or DL3 for the trench run without EZ (First Person).
Music: Gunnar Olsen / Barge
Use it, Change it and Learn from it.
Questions welcome, here in this post (preferred) or private. (contact info down below with each post)
Nice, thanks for the show files!
Your heightmap is 16 bits, but is converted to 8 bits because the filename does not contain the string 'displacement' or 'heightmap'. This hack is used to save precious video memory (HDR takes twice as much memory): outerspace-software.com...
So rename podrace.png into podrace_heightmap.png and it's 16 bits. As you can see, the surface is now much smoother. Ironically, the 8 bits artifacts work very well in this case.
We're currently experimenting with HDR textures and rendering. This looks very nice, but is slower and requires more memory. Plan is to support HDR .PNG, .TIFF, .HDR and .EXR files. The heightmap hack will be removed so you no longer have to worry your HDR files will be converted to LDR.
michiel, 8 years ago
Good to hear about the HDR textures,
I think I didn't notice because I didn't see any terracing, and the video was almost rendered a year ago and the texture podrace.png came from the folder "heightmap" so the hack was applied because of the full path name. Now with a new save with all media files it changed the path name.
Good to hear that the heightmap hack wouldn't be necessary anymore.
The download from Cloud file is changed with corrected podrace_heightmap.png
komies, 8 years ago
Very nice, mahalo!
misterbrains, 8 years ago
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