NextPreviousHomeChinese New Year [DL]

komies | 7 years ago | 17 comments | 14 likes | 2.8K views

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A concept show with a "special effect" Chinese Fan.

I never made a show with this effect, but it is that time of the year.
In this show are several textures that will appear when needed as texture for the fan.

These textures are in the colourmap layer.
First I put the textures on there temporarily positions and save this as a show. In the new Show where the ChineseFan effect was going to be shown, I added a colourmap layer pressed CTRL + M to put the show in and on the ChineseFan layer added with F9 this colourmap as Texture.

Now I could move the texture's in the Colourmap at a time of my choosing to appear and could see the result directly. That is the power of the Colourmap.

Things to note are:
Once the show is in a Colourmap layer in another show then the changes you make are recorded in the show your now working on.
The old show that you made to be used as this colourmap therefore remains the same.
Also you cannot double click on material in the render window that are in the colourmap to active a layer because it is one texture now.
If you want to see how the now newly edited Colourmap show looks like then you can extract it as a show file by pressing CTRL + B.

The textures I used came out of a CopyRight Free Photoshop .Psd file and isolated what I needed and made them white and save them as transparent .Png format. I often save materials in White because in Blufftitler white can become any colour.

Use it, Change it, Learn from it.
And as always, Questions are welcome.

Downloadlink from cloud Below

Remove the plasma layer 3.
And use Physics "Spline Overhauser" on Layer 3 "Chinese fan"

Download media files (1.2 KB)

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thank you

xuemei, 7 years ago

Very nice komies :)

LostBoyz, 7 years ago

Well done Komies :) Thank you for sharing

chaver, 7 years ago

Super work Alex, pedagogic as always, and very good illustration of the colourmap layer power.

vincent, 7 years ago

Muy buen trabajo Komies y muchas gracias por compartir.

persiana, 7 years ago

Thank you very much komies (Alex) for sharing this show and also for your explanations . A+

Eddy, 7 years ago

Super fantastic and very beautiful, thanks for sharing.

Jesus, 7 years ago

Komies, how can I transfer a container from a show to another project that I'm doing, only the container that interests me, the other containers do not interest me, can it be transferred? I appreciate your guidance.

Jesus, 7 years ago

Like this:

Delete all layers except that container layer and save the show under a different name in the same folder. Now open the show you want the container in and press CTRL + M and select the newly saved container show. That's it.

Good luck and have fun.

komies, 7 years ago

komies, It's detailed explanations like this that should be added to the User Manual.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

Komies, you are the man..... that is spectacular.... thank you....

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Wonderful! I love the fan and the particle!
Thank you so much for sharing, komies!!

Ulli, 7 years ago

Quelle belle idée ce ruissellement d'or du dragon et l'animation plaquée sur l'éventail ,
de quoi épater l'empire du milieu .
Comment faites vous pour éditer les paramètres du montage en texte ?
Merci pour le partage.

PAT67, 7 years ago

Thanks komies, for your great help. It was an excellent project.

Jesus, 7 years ago

Very well done Alex... great use of the colourmap layer...

Dani, 7 years ago

Thank you all, for the possitive reactions.

And to our chinese friends, Happy New Year.

komies, 7 years ago

amazing animation - great show. Thanks for the share

DaveH, 7 years ago

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