komies | 6 years ago | 6 comments | 10 likes | 1.6K views
PAT67, LostBoyz, vincent and 7 others like this!
A Realtime rendered demo made in CryEngine that uses a AMD Vega56 Graphics card with DirectX12 or Vulcan API.
This is an implementation of Voxel-Based Global Illumination (SVOGI), not full raytracing of the complete scene. It is essentially a voxel-based method to calculate global illumination (incl. reflections), i.e. the ray-tracing is used only in the same way as the RTX's ray-tracing is used in Battlefield 5. The rest of the graphics is handled in traditional manner.
Given the compute power of AMD GPUs (and the fact that voxel-based ray-tracing is a lot cheaper than the ray-based approach from Nvidia), there is no reason to doubt that this is a V56.
Maybe in a not too distant future possible in BluffTitler?
May I Dream?
Ouch! Fantastic video, water, lights broken mirrors reflections, glasses, rain effect, i can imagine my computer render a so complex landscape. A great source of inspiration for future BT versions. Thanks Alex.
vincent, 6 years ago
Wow what is real and what is artificial?? Who nows the difference? Great video Komies...you lost me on the tecnical stuf...?
Filip, 6 years ago
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