komies | 7 years ago | 12 comments | 12 likes | 3.0K views
Ulli, Dani, SparkyVegas and 9 others like this!
Speaking about CUBE and Picture transition!
There is a very neat effect that came with Bixpack 7 but since V.12 is standard under the Picture effects: SliceAndwipe.cfx
This is the effects explanation above the F9 select effect:
Use this effect in a picture layer. Set the number of tiles with the MODEL REPEAT property of the picture layer. Perform the wipe by animating the FX WIPE STAGE property.
To see the number of tiles or what each effect property does set the FX Wipe Stage off 0 like 0.5.
In the four shows are some variations, but the fun starts when you begin to experiment with these settings.
Also experiment with Style, I used Inner to get the tiles effect visible on 0 and 1 and to make it 3d unlike flat and other Physics effects on Camera and Layer 6.
And yes, the explosion property also works great with this effect.
To loop the plasma I used as background use this formula: Show Duration * Plasma Speed = 1
My show is 8 seconds so the Plasma Speed is 0.125 = 1
Use it, Change it, Learn from it
Remove the second key from the Plasma Layer in all shows.
In the show Slice04 set Layer 6 the property FX Wipe Rotation to 1,0,-1 with the all keys marked.
Then delete the second key in this layer.
Thank you Alex and congratulations for your investment to create these pedagogical shows.
vincent, 7 years ago
Se ve que eres un maestro en la ciencia de Blufftitler
Muchas gracias por compartir tu sabiduría
persiana, 7 years ago
Tnx for sharing and for the explanation!
Filip, 7 years ago
Merci grandement Komies (Alex) pour ce partage. A+
Eddy, 7 years ago
U C ?
I always liked the clean look of the white simple buildings so the colour accents POP. Even with low settings it looks great.
komies, 7 years ago
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