NextPreviousHomeAugust 5 2018

komies | 7 years ago | 17 comments | 13 likes | 2.8K views

michiel, snafu, liuyongcai and 10 others like this!

This is a Concept Show of fake Physics.

On August the 5th 2018 BluffTitler will be 15 years!

I know that is still a while, but maybe we all can make nice shows for this occasion. I will post more like this concept shows for you to use, change and learn from.

Also when you find a video like on and what to try to replicate it in BluffTitler I may be able to help with tips and tricks.
If you want it to be a surprise and not ready to post yet on this community just contact me on my mailing adres in the contact info on this site.

Party Time!

In layer 22 move the last key to 3 seconds so the letters have more time to fall.

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Hi Komies
Just gigantic !
Thank you for sharing this piece of 3D art !

Jeep35, 7 years ago

Great!!! Alex. Full of tips and tricks, a great pedagogical set.

vincent, 7 years ago

G R E A T !!

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

Well done Komies!

Sharing is caring!

snafu, 7 years ago

muy bueno el show que nos servirá para aprender tus grandes consejos , y muchas gracias Komies

persiana, 7 years ago

What a great show, the ball natural. Thnx for sharing

Filip, 7 years ago

Thank you for sharing. Expert Komies

chaver, 7 years ago

This is fantastic, komies!
And thank you very much for sharing.

Ulli, 7 years ago

Many thanks komies for sharing this show.

Eddy, 7 years ago

Du grand art magnétique , merci pour le partage

PAT67, 7 years ago

That's an early birthday present. Thank you!

And only 24 layers. Amazing!

The scene has an abstract beauty. Even a clean background works great!

michiel, 7 years ago

Fantastic Show Komies...your style and thinking is are big asset to this community..

Dani, 7 years ago


Thank you all for the Amazing, Expert, Fantastic, Gigantic, Great, Pedagogical and Unique comments.

I wanted to get the ball rolling about the 15th ANNIVERSARY.

Because I really liked the shows made for the 10th, even I posted one for that as a fairly new beginner and made a Cake but did not have enough time, a commodity that keeps getting more precious.

In this community people know that I am a BluffTitler fan and like to help people and try to find a solution that works for them but they will have to do the work and become the fisherman. (the "I Made This" feeling)

In a lot of my posted downloadable shows are tips and tricks hidden (in plain sight) that tackle questions in this community and my own curiosity and how to circumvent issue's that may arise while making a show. The solution I offer are not paramount and there will be always other solutions to get a similar effect, it's just there to help realizing a show.

I seldom get questions about a show or concept which I welcome within the community and even outside and that's why an e-mailadres is posted in my contact-info.

In this show a answer to a often asked question: "Can I have 2 different physics effects in one layer because I want a property to behave different from the rest"

The short answer is: It cannot! A layer can have only one physics effect.

The solution is simple: Use two layers!

In this show to make use of the pendulum swing with accelerate and decelerate which buildup after each key and ends with the following key and to keep the ball rolling consistently without these constrains like the linear constant speed physics.

I used a Container, a invisible layer that has position, rotation, pivot point, size and transparency properties that can be ruled by one Physics effect, and what is in this container by another.

Not a big reveal but if you are stuck or discouraged by this limitation it is a big relief that you can continue with your idea/show with a small solution.

Hoping to see new shows of any kind from all of you and especially for the 15th Anniversary.


komies, 7 years ago

thanks for the shows really good.

How about a BluffTitler expo/conference? Actually get to meet the team/designers? Just a thought.. though given Bluff it used all over the world travel could be a problem!

DaveH, 7 years ago

Daveh, es una gran idea lo que comentas, pero creo que antes, las personas que manejan Blufftitler deberían participar en esta comunidad, ya que no llegamos a la docena los que habitualmente exponemos nuestros trabajos o preguntamos ciertas dudas.
A veces me pregunto el porque de la ausencia de la gente en esta comunidad y saco mis propias conclusiones, ¿ merece la pena seguir?, yo pienso que si, pero debería animarse más las gente.
Yo personalmente todos los shows que hago son para uso personal por que me gusta y me entretengo con Blufftitler, pero cada cual es libre de hacer lo que quiera.

persiana, 7 years ago

Persiana, 100 % de acuerdo.

vincent, 7 years ago

Spanish & English
persiana (lo siento Google translate!)
Hola. Escucho lo que dices y estoy de acuerdo con la mayoría. A menudo me pregunto cuántos usuarios registrados hay, ya que hay un número limitado que realmente publica / comparte / comenta.
Publiqué cuando recuerdo que realmente quería producir shows cuando comencé hace más de 10 años y artistas como Vincent, Daz (realmente extraño) y otros compartieron el extraño programa y me sorprendió ver cómo funcionaban las cosas. A veces casi me decepciona saber cómo se hace un truco de magia cuando ves lo "fácil" que son algunas cosas; otras son difíciles; ¡Simplemente no tengo capas de bosquejo!
Continuaré publicando porque ya no tengo intereses comerciales en la edición de videos y me gusta pensar que lo que produje (como Komies) puede ayudar a otros.
Entonces, si hubiera una exposición, estaría encantado de conocerla, hasta entonces, continuemos y esperemos que las masas comiencen a publicar. Cuídate, Persiana, Dave

persiana (sorry Google translate!)
Hi. I hear what you say and agree with most of it. I often wonder just how many registered users there are as there are a limited number that actually post/share/comment.
I post as I remember that I really wanted to produce shows when i first started over 10 years ago and artists such as Vincent, Daz (really missed) and others shared the odd show and I was amazed to see how things worked. Sometimes almost disappointed like knowing how a magic trick is made when you see how "easy" some things are - others are hard; I just don't get sketch layers!
I will continue to post as I have no commercial interests in video editing anymore and like to think what I've produced (like Komies) can help others.
So if there was an expo I'd be pleased to meet you - until then lets continue and hope the masses start posting. Take care Persiana, Dave

DaveH, 7 years ago

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