NextPreviousHomeBeta V.12 Blufftitler First Test

komies | 9 years ago | 15 comments | 13 likes | 3.3K views

Dani, Jeep35, chaver and 10 others like this!

This video has been created with a beta version of BluffTitler 12
This is not a show but a test.

Congratulations Michiel, and your team!!

As you can see it works.
1. Checkered floor is the new mirror layer (saves a bunch of time not to implement this .cfx to all objects to suggest a floor)
2. Piggy bank is a 3D model with Colormap_Cubemap.cfx. I really love this effect even more than the mirror effect. No more reflectionmaps needed and real-time reflections of the environment. I have waited for this ever since the experimental ReflectiveTableTop effect:
3. The one euro coin was made with the new displacement.cfx, I used a photo for the front and back (French especially for Vincent) but a smoother picture would give a better result. A coin depth is really shallow so the effect is also shallow, but looks quite real. The coin edge is a eps circle with outline straight bevel with a striped picture as displacementmap.
4. The Sphere is believe it or not a picture sphere with a checkered map as displacementmap,

The weird music is called MAD SCIENCE.

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Fantástico Komies

persiana, 9 years ago

I forgot to flip the backside of the euro coin, sorry Vincent.

This happens when you make a test show to fast.

komies, 9 years ago

Very good!

liuyongcai, 9 years ago

wonderful :)

Carlos Marques, 9 years ago


chaver, 9 years ago

Thank you komies to show me the V12 possibilities and special thank for your work on the coin. I look forward to being able to try V12.

vincent, 9 years ago

Wow, that's what I call a stresstest!

Wonderful to see all the new techniques work together in one show.

I was wondering why the text does not appear mirrored in its mirrored image on the pink pig when I noticed you are rendering the text mirrored (as viewed from inside the circle). Good thinking!

michiel, 9 years ago

Vincent, check the settings of your mail client. We receive your e-mails but for some reason you do not receive our replies. I have just sent you an e-mail using Hotmail.

michiel, 9 years ago

Michiel i have received your e-mail. Thanks

vincent, 9 years ago

Komies, great job!

IntroChamp, 9 years ago

Komies great and extraordinary, very good show. Congratulations.

Jesus, 9 years ago

Thank you all, for the nice comments and likes.

komies, 9 years ago

I love all new effects and they looks amazing!

Ulli, 9 years ago

Great show!!! ********** Komies.

Dani, 9 years ago

you are an expert komies

chaver, 9 years ago

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