komies | 7 years ago | 17 comments | 10 likes | 2.6K views
Dani, chaver, persiana and 7 others like this!
SMSgtRob asked the question to make a colour photo into an Cubemap reflection as Bix in the Shows\Model\_ModelLesson3.bt outerspace-software.com...
After some questions of what he meant, Selina came up with a solution that she calls Master Class.
Here is my "simple" solution that gives you more flexibility and easy to make result:
In the video I used the photo that SMSgtRod provided. In the BT show I just changed the texture to Bix because of copyright issues. In the left one the colormap property is set to 0.25 just to let the original photo shine through.
It uses a Normal map as displacementmap just so you can easilly get rid off the background with the FX Clip Position property.
The normal was made with a online normalmap generator which is FREE to use.
It's a fast and dirty show, just to let you see the effect and to share.
Play with the settings, Displacement Size, Reflection factor, Normal Strength, and colour to make it Bronze if you like.
Use it, Change it, Learn from it.
Just add photo by clicking on first box, then download the photo. You can use the silders to change the detail level.
The only requirement is that the picture most be square.
komies, 7 years ago
With Bix as texture,
Bix has less details and looks smoother because of this.
You could try using other settings in the Online Normalmap Generator to smoothen the photo to your liking.
komies, 7 years ago
Thanks, Vincent
This can be done with every photo color or B&W, but with a black or white background you can easily remove it with clip position. No need to prep this in photo-editor.
Bix is with a transparent background (Alpha Channel) you can do with colourmap normalmap cubemap effect.
And with some time and effort you can get even more clean result.
komies, 7 years ago
Thank you komies.....I'm going to give this some play time.
Goodness, I sure do come up with the "little" questions don't I!! LOL
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
@SMSgtRod, please keep asking questions.
If something hasn't been done before doesn't mean it can't be done.
The community gets richer for it.
And there are as always more ways then one to get similair results.
I believe this is fairly simple to do.
komies, 7 years ago
That's why i called you BT teacher ....learning more from you... always thinks innovative way to deal things which are impossible to possible....much appropriated your help dear komies.
Lot's of love from
Dani, 7 years ago
Thanks Dani,
In my opinion, that is where the community is for, a place to ask questions, getting answers, present your shows, get inspired and share knowledge in any form. So thank you for being a constant bright source of inspiration and for making this community a better place for it.
komies, 7 years ago
Thank you all for breaking the 10 likes barrier.
Ulli, persiana, chaver, michiel, LostBoyz, agpvn, SparkyVegas, vincent, Dani, SMSgtRod.
And please ask questions like SMSgtRod did, someone on this community might have or may find an answer for this.
komies, 7 years ago
@komies.....that's only cause the system won't let me retract mine..... Kidding!! LOL
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
"It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor." by Max Eastman
But with a name like komies some expect you to be funny. But I'm not always funny but will always be komies.
Have you tried, did it work for you?
Please don't hesitate to ask.
komies, 7 years ago
@komies....no I haven't tried yours or Selina's yet. My yard needs cleaned up and have to help the Boss lady with some things.....this weekend I'll be diving in to it.
It's for a family video and we have family in and out so it makes it a bit difficult to keep secret. LOL
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
Oké, good luck and have fun, If your get stuck and need help just give me a holler.
Greetings to your wife.
komies, 7 years ago
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