komies | 8 years ago | 8 comments | 7 likes | 3.1K views
Tintin, Dani, SparkyVegas and 4 others like this!
2 shows merged as test.
1. C:\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\Media\Shows\Landscape\Island.bt
and de second one as Colourmap Layer on the EPS Rectangle.
2. c:\outerspace software\BluffTitler\Media\Shows\Cubemap\ReflectiveSphere1.bt
The new effects used in the demo:
New layer: Landscape layer
New layer: Water layer
New layer: Waving flag layer
New layer: Colourmap layer
New layer: VR 360° layer
New layer: Skybox layer
This show uses the following 2 fonts:
1 Arial
2 Arial Black
This show uses the following 15 effects:
1 Bix.cfx
2 CameraBloom.cfx
3 ColourmapDisplacementmapCubemap.cfx
4 ColourmapReflectionmap.cfx
5 Cubemap.cfx
6 Horizon.cfx
7 Invisible.cfx
8 Lightened.cfx
9 NotLightenedAdditive.cfx
10 Reflectionmap.cfx
11 Skybox.cfx
12 SoftBorder.cfx
13 ViewCubemap.cfx
14 Water.cfx
15 WavingInTheWind.cfx
This show uses the following 11 textures:
1 360_0018[1]_Stitch_XHC.JPG
2 Alphamap_Foam1.png
3 BluffTitlerLogo.png
4 KitchenFloor.jpg
5 Landscape_Colourmap.png
6 Landscape_Displacementmap.png
7 ReflectionMap_Silver.jpg
8 colourmap19
9 cubemap2
10 cubemap30
11 flare2.jpg
This show uses the following EPS file:
1 Rectangle_16_9.eps
This show uses the following 3 models:
1 Bix.x
2 Daisy.x
3 Grass.x
Duration 00:24.000
Resolution 3840 x 2160 pixels
Background (255,255,255)
Pre-export simulation time 0
komies, 8 years ago
Layer Type Parent Keys Texture1 Texture2 Texture3 FX Font Model Name Link StyleA StyleB StyleC Physics Visible Text
1 Camera 0 3 0 0 0 5 Y
2 Cubemap 1 1 0 0 0 0 Y
3 Light 0 1 1 0 0 0 Y
4 Lensflare 3 2 flare2.jpg NotLightenedAdditive.cfx 0 0 0 0 Y
5 Text 0 1 Reflectionmap.cfx Arial Black 4 1 4 0 Y BluffTitler
6 Text 5 1 Lightened.cfx Arial Black 4 1 5 0 Y BluffTitler
7 Text 0 1 Lightened.cfx Arial Black 4 1 2 0 Y 3D Video Effects
8 Text 0 1 Lightened.cfx Arial 0 1 4 0 Y WWW.BLUFFTiTLER.COM
9 Text 0 1 Arial 4 1 4 0 Y NEW EFFECTS
10 EPS 0 6 colourmap19 ReflectionMap_Silver.jpg ColourmapReflectionmap.cfx Rectangle_16_9.eps 4 1 33 5 Y
11 Media 0 3 360_0018[1]_Stitch_XHC.JPG Skybox.cfx 8 2 0 0 Y
12 Media 0 1 Landscape_Displacementmap.png Invisible.cfx 0 5 0 0 Y
komies, 8 years ago
13 Particle 12 1 WavingInTheWind.cfx Grass.x 7 1 2 0 Y
14 Particle 12 1 WavingInTheWind.cfx Daisy.x 7 1 2 0 Y
15 Media 0 1 cubemap2 ViewCubemap.cfx 0 1 0 0 Y
16 Landscape 0 1 Landscape_Colourmap.png Landscape_Displacementmap.png ColourmapDisplacementmapCubemap.cfx 0 0 0 0 Y
17 Water 0 1 Alphamap_Foam1.png Water.cfx 0 0 0 0 Y
18 Flag 0 6 BluffTitlerLogo.png Lightened.cfx 0 0 0 0 Y
19 Colourmap 0 1 0 0 0 0 Y
20 Camera 19 2 CameraBloom.cfx 0 0 0 5 Y
21 Light 19 1 1 0 0 0 Y
22 Light 19 1 1 0 0 0 Y
23 Text 19 1 Reflectionmap.cfx Arial Black 4 1 4 0 Y Bluff Titler
24 Text 23 1 Lightened.cfx Arial Black 4 1 5 0 Y Bluff Titler
25 Media 19 1 Horizon.cfx 8 2 2 0 N
komies, 8 years ago
26 Model 19 1 Bix.cfx Bix.x 0 0 0 0 Y
27 Mirror 19 1 KitchenFloor.jpg SoftBorder.cfx 0 0 0 0 Y
28 Container 19 1 0 0 0 0 Y
29 Media 28 1 cubemap30 Cubemap.cfx 8 5 1 0 Y
30 Cubemap 28 1 0 0 0 0 Y
komies, 8 years ago
Great stresstest!
Great to see the 4K VR 360° export in action!
Please let me now when you have found a solution for the YouTube audio issue.
michiel, 8 years ago
121 articles 347.2K views
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