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komies | 7 years ago | 4 comments | 4 likes | 2.2K views

chaver, Ulli, Dani and 1 other like this!

I've just been playing with the free Google Blocks a 3D VR model creator in combination with a HTC VIVE headset and controllers

It is still in the early stages but like Google Tillt Brush you can see the potential.
Tilt Brush:

You start with some simple shapes and build with them and modify them and the nice thing is you can export them in .obj format and is therefore easily to convert in .X for Blufftitler.

Here are some examples of some peoples work with this new app, you can move them in 3d in the chrome browser and even save them.

It is great fun to stand in your own creation while being in your livingroom moving the controllers in the air which looks strange if you watch someone using it.

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And here a video of an artist that uses Blocks and Tiltbrush (you can import the models in Tiltbrush)

komies, 7 years ago

Impressive! maybe we are all virtual

vincent, 7 years ago

The most virtual from us IS Vincent ... sure !

Jeep35, 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing Komies :)

chaver, 7 years ago

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