komies | 8 years ago | 4 comments | 6 likes | 3.8K views
michiel, LostBoyz, Ulli and 3 others like this!
While I was recreating this effect, I encountered some pitfalls.
I normally don't do this but here is a downloadable file, that you can change.
In the .zip is also a textfile with the Lorum text that you can use as a guide.
It's a fast and dirty version, I'm an tweaker so I could spend hours on my shows just tweaking. :)
Not bad at all komies, Michiel do you think it would be possible to adjust or create a pixelbeam.cfx for text layers ?
vincent, 8 years ago
Nice spoof and a very useful outro/credit roll!
Vincent, you can apply the Filters\PixelBeams effect to the camera layer. This way it is applied to the whole scene, including the text layers.
michiel, 8 years ago
Hello michiel, yes tried to apply to camera but is not easy to handle rays orientation (ie: from foreground to background to reproduce example of Mauro's article), of course as komies shown there are other solutions. Just thinking there is maybe a solution with beam properties of the light layer, i must try that.
vincent, 8 years ago
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