NextPreviousHomeSpring Time

komies | 9 years ago | 10 comments | 8 likes | 3.8K views

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A short and simple show Spring Time

Use it, Change it, Learn from it.

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Strange, Motion Blur is not showing after re-encoding from .avi

komies, 9 years ago

Nicely done but needs to me to switch in low quality for running

vincent, 9 years ago

Looks like the displacement mapping effect used to render the grass is the bottleneck.

Maybe the particle layer can render grass faster. Only thing we need is a 3D model of a blade of grass (grassprietje)

michiel, 9 years ago

Komies, maybe you changed the framerate when re-encoding. I can imagine this washes away the motion blur.

michiel, 9 years ago

Oh, and use SINGLE SIDED instead of FLAT for the picture layers rendering the grass. Now the grass also grows into the earth :)

I also always forget this. Maybe the default should be SINGLE SIDED. (3rd dropdown below the textbox in the picture layer)

michiel, 9 years ago

Komies, you have used the principle of ANTICIPATION very well!

IntroChamp, 9 years ago

The single sided is a great tip!

I exported with uncompressed avi at double ntsc and re-encode to x264 in MP4 container at the same frame rate. The option is: Framerate / Same as source.

I also exported it as mp4 (windows 10) at Ntsc and double Ntsc both with the same result :(

So my working theory is that it gets lost / washes out after compression.

komies, 9 years ago

Well done komies ...... love the concept.

Dani, 9 years ago

Komies, in the current implementation the impact of the motion blur effect depends on the frame rate. Export with 10 fps and you'll understand the system.

It's unfortunately impossible to make it independent of the frame rate without seriously compromising memory use or render speed.

michiel, 9 years ago

muy bien realizado y extraordinario.
Gracias por compartir para que podamos aprender de tus sabidurías

persiana, 9 years ago

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