komies | 7 years ago | 19 comments | 14 likes | 3.3K views
Jeep35, PAT67, SMSgtRod and 11 others like this!
This concept show looks simple enough with only 13 layers.
When you have a concept in mind and want make an BluffTitler show out of it, you might encounter some "bumps in the road" but BluffTitler also gives you navigation to avoid these bumps.
In this particular show I would have preferred to use position key animation for the text, but because I used Flexibility on the text to make the letters fall after each other, then the position would also be effected.
A option is then to use the writer property of the sketch layer, but this also means that I have to clone the sketch layer so you don't see it grow and make this writer-sketch invisible. (clear the effect with F9 on the writer-sketch and unmark the visible on the split-turn sketch to see what I mean.)
When I have to move a texture like in this show the conveyor-belt, to suggest movement, my to go effect would be UVMapper.cfx because with his texture speed property I can set a speed and don't have to animate, like with the Beachball tunnel. But this effect (as it should) wrapped my texture in a undesirable way for this concept.
The option I choose was to use an effect that keeps the texture intact has a reflectionmap and could be animated with a texture position property so I choose ColourmapReflectionmap.cfx.
The Dynamic content text in the xml file in the content folder can be edited with notepad.
Use It, Change It and Learn from It.
Try Physics "Bouncer" on layers: 5,7 and 11
Very interesting... I'll see what I can do with it later today
Thank you komies
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
I'm playing with the show. Trying to reverse the flow.
As I read Left to Right, it should flow from Right to Left
like a newscast crawler.
May be impossible for me!! LOL
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
Siempre me impresionas con tus trabajos, es excelente
Muchas gracias por compartirlo
persiana, 7 years ago
"The Cheese Wire" a spin-off of the award winning "The Wire" but now In Gouda. It's production name "The Wire Gouda" just did not cut it.
Thanks Vincent for this beautiful assist. ?
And Thanks to:
SmSgtRod, Pat67, Jeep35, Dani, Chaver, Persiana and Ulli for your positive comments.
komies, 7 years ago
You may try it, it's yours now to play with, but it would for me be faster to start from scratch then try to edit, but I'm not going to do that.
A "quick" way to see how it would look if it was reserved so the text from right to left but instead split is would join.
Mark the all Layer and the all Keys
Then go to Layer\Reverse active layer and select.
Then go to Layer one the Camera layer and drag each keys to where the text is.
Then go to Layer 5 the first Text layer and Mark the all layers and all Keys on the Flexibility property and set the second slider to 0 and drag the keys of this property at a point with a second distance to make it join before "The Wire".
Good luck,
Komies, ?? OUT
komies, 7 years ago
Many thanks Alex (komies for sharing your knowledges. Much appreciated. A+
Eddy, 7 years ago
Thank you, komies, you are a great genius, you know that we all learn from you, and from your wisdom.
Jesus, 7 years ago
Great show. Thnx for sharing.
Filip, 7 years ago
How do you get the "Writer-sketch" layer? I must be missing something here.
JCB, 7 years ago
Writer-sketch is the name of layer 4 and layer 10.
On this sketch layer is the writer property used to let the dynamic text layers move following this sketch.
"A option is then to use the writer property of the sketch layer, but this also means that I have to clone the sketch layer so you don't see it grow and make this writer-sketch invisible. (clear the effect with F9 on the writer-sketch and unmark the visible on the split-turn sketch to see what I mean.)"
I hope this clears it up for you, JCB
By the way welcome to the community.
komies, 7 years ago
Hi Komies,
I've been using BT lightly for a couple of years, just modifications to the Bixpacks, and only made a couple of attempts to understand how things work. I've been trying again this week.
I don't understand how you get "Writer-sketch" as the name of the layers. When I add a layer, there is no such thing as "Writer-sketch" on the list that I can find (I have the Ultimate version, updated to latest patch yesterday). Is there some way to rename a layer?
I did a search for "Writer-sketch" and the only hit is to your tutorial.
JCB, 7 years ago
Yes you can rename layers, this makes them easier to find and or describe what it does when using more than one of the same layer types to differentiate.
In Menu under Layer and then Active layer properties... OR Ctrl + Q
komies, 7 years ago
There you go! Thank you.
Now I know where to go in the User Guide to find something like "rename" layer. It would be nice if OuterSpace supplied a pdf manual with more information. Many of the things are almost "you have to know," like using cubemap.
Thanks again,
JCB, 7 years ago
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