Dani | 7 years ago | 10 comments | 9 likes | 2.6K views
Sma, Ulli, vincent and 6 others like this!
Just saw a video of AE version....this is in our BT version..
Wonderful very, pro Dani.
But what is AE?.....
Just kidding, who needs it when you can do it better and a lot faster in BT.
komies, 7 years ago
Another good show Dani, personally i can do all i want and all i need with BT, don't need AE.
vincent, 7 years ago
Hi Dani
Remind me how you make the text move from far to the board
nice show for Xmas
Jeep35, 7 years ago
I once thought about AE and stumbled upon BT. I think as Unskilled as I am in BT it runs circles around anything I've seen done using AE or anything else out there.
SMSgtRod, 7 years ago
And again a beautiful show from the master!
BT is my favorite.
Filip, 7 years ago
Thank you all BT lovers...
Jeep35: just played around the position, character rotation and flexibility properties.
Dani, 7 years ago
Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from
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