NextPreviousHomeText Styles Mega Picture

michiel | 11 years ago | 14 comments | 14 likes | 5.9K views

sinus300, jeffo, IntroChamp and 11 others like this!

A mega picture showing all BluffTitler's 10.1 text styles!

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Fantastic Michiel! Pictures do say a thousand words ;)

IntroChamp, 11 years ago

You always surprised me !!!!

Really good example

snafu, 11 years ago

wow every day surprises me with fantastic new features,
this is very nice and wonderful. Thanks Michiel.

Jesus, 11 years ago

Thanks Michiel...very helpful!

maxste, 11 years ago

Just saved this to my favourites, as it is a very useful reference.

Thanks, Michiel

IBMedia, 11 years ago

Is there anyway to print all of these examples out? I tried but all that I can get are the first 4 examples. I would like to print them out and keep with all of my other BuffTitler notes, for reference. Maybe a pdf file?

MrGruntHunter, 10 years ago

Your browser should print the whole page:

michiel, 10 years ago

I would have thought so also but it won't. What happens is that I get only the first four examples (FLAT, SOLID, STRAIGHT BEVEL and ROUND BEVEL) and just the very top of the Inverted. Strange that I can see them all in your posting but when I do a Print Preview I only see what I've described above then it goes directly to printing out the comments. I end up with only 4 pages printed out. I don't understand it either, never seen this happen before. Might have something to do with the way it is embedded in your website. Any way you could post it as a file that could be downloaded by itself?

MrGruntHunter, 10 years ago

Have you already tried another browser? Firefox or Chrome for example.

You can also right click on the picture as choose SAVE PICTURE AS... After that you can open the picture in a paint application and print it from there.

michiel, 10 years ago

Ha Ha Actually FireFox is what I'm using. Let me try the 'save as' method and see what happens.

MrGruntHunter, 10 years ago

Well, I tried the 'Save As' (saves as a .jpg) then loaded it into my Corel Draw without any luck.

The problem is that everything tries to load it all onto one page. I think what's happening is that there are no page breaks and right now I don't know of a way to cut it into multiple pages so it will print out correctly

MrGruntHunter, 10 years ago

If only everything was as easy as creating 3D animations :)

I tried Chrome and that worked fine!

michiel, 10 years ago

Hi Michiel

This explanation would be nice to have it in the guide :-) for the helpfile for bluff :-)

2ids, 9 years ago

Reformatted and it's now my desktop.

misterbrains, 8 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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