michiel | 6 years ago | 5 comments | 7 likes | 2.1K views
LostBoyz, SMSgtRod, amigopegassero and 4 others like this!
Here are the technical details of the spacecraft designed for BixPack 25.
The Ares V4 is a human-rated spacecraft that can carry 3 passengers in interplanetary transport, and up to 7 passengers from the planet to a space station in orbit.
It has a payload of 9100 Kg.
The vehicle launches and lands vertically but flies horizontally. For launch and flight it uses 3 Titan X rockets. For landings and atmospheric entry the Ares V4 uses 4 four side-mounted thruster pods developed by Lockheed Martin.
The landing-legs don't fold in during fight, but can adjust for a surface inclination of 7'.
At closest Earth-Mars distance it will take the Ares V4 six months to arrive at ISS-Mars.
Spacecraft type: Crewed capsule
Crew capacity: 7
Dry mass: 12,000 kg
Payload capacity: 9,100 kg
(normalized at 9,81 m/s2)
Height: 12.1 m (incl. legs)
Diameter: ~3.7 M
LM-Thruster pods:
Thrust (vacuum): 4x 72 kN
Chamber pressure: 7,200 Kp
Burn time: 43 s
Specific impulse Vacuum: 90 S
Fuel: LOX/RP-1
Titan X:
Thrust (vacuum): 3x 2360 kN
Burn time: 240 s
Specific impulse Vacuum: 311 S
Fuel: LOX/RP-1
Click on the screenshot to see the spacecraft in action!
It's neat, but way too slow. Kind of like crossing the US a couple hundred years ago.
Took half a year of your life and could barely carry enough to sustain you the trip.
Same trip is now 3 hours and one terrible, plastic tasting meal.
We really have to work on Warp Speed and maybe a million Kg payload.
SMSgtRod, 6 years ago
Great templates to entertain a bit of bixpack 25.
Jesus, 6 years ago
Yes! Sir! ???
amigopegassero, 6 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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