NextPreviousHomeRelease notes version 14.1.1

michiel | 6 years ago | 14 comments | 14 likes | 2.5K views

Alex-Raymond T., Ulli, Thor5ten and 11 others like this!

Here are the release notes for version 14.1.1, launched today:

F2 info extended

-the LAUNCH DIRECTION and GRAVITY properties of the particle layer are now visualized with an orange arrow
-the LAUNCH AREA and LAUNCH PLANE properties of the particle layer are now visualized with an orange box

This extra info makes the particle layer a lot easier to use. We're planning to visualize more properties in a similar way. Suggestions are welcome!

Press F2, or choose SETTINGS > RENDER COORDINATE SYSTEM to toggle the extra info.

Restyled Bix

-new app button
-new Bix textures
-new web icon
-new web logo
-new web header
-new web footer

More info:

Colourmap layer initialization

A new colourmap layer is initialized with a camera, light and text layer.

This was a request by Filip:

Nested colourmap layers

When loading a show containing a colourmap layer into an existing colourmap layer (CONTROL M), the colourmaps are now correctly linked.

Thank you

Thank you all for making this new version possible!

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Thank you michiel. Just one thing, now when i add model bix in a new show it looks strange (see pic), he looks correct only if texture1 is not empty.

vincent, 6 years ago

I have added Bix.png in folder : ...\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\Media\Models and now it works (there was only a BixA.png ?!)

vincent, 6 years ago

Thank you for the report.

The issue can be fixed by renaming BluffTitler/Media/Models/BixA.png to Bix.png

It's fixed in

michiel, 6 years ago

thank you michiel.

vincent, 6 years ago

Gracias Michiel

persiana, 6 years ago

Thank you Michiel :)

chaver, 6 years ago

Bravo Michiel, belle réactivité.

Alex-Raymond T., 6 years ago

Michiel thnx for the New upgrade. I can' t give the New feature a try out becuase I'm in Greece. But as soon as I can i'll installatie it en vet going!

Filip, 6 years ago


elvis66, 6 years ago

Thank you, Michiel!

Ulli, 6 years ago

Gracias Michiel.

Jesus, 6 years ago

particle active and particle inactive would be nice = so we can activate the particle on the TL = The particle would not auto start from the beginning of the clip

Rorysee, 6 years ago

Particles can be made inactive/invisible in many ways:
-by setting the TRANSPARENCY property to 0
-by setting the EMISSION property to 0
-by setting the PARTICLE SIZE property to (0,0,0)

michiel, 6 years ago

Thanks michiel all these little things go to make one big asset

Rorysee, 6 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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