NextPreviousHomeSuper shiny cubemap

michiel | 14 years ago | 14 comments | 4 likes | 10.0K views

vincent, LostBoyz, lifechip and 1 other like this!

A spectacular, super shiny, high contrast and ultra useful B&W DDS cubemap!

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Thx Michiel!:)

LostBoyz, 14 years ago

Thank you for this useful cubemap!

vincent, 14 years ago

This one really pops! Thx alot!

brntguy, 14 years ago

Although the texture is B&W, you can add colour by using the COLOUR property of the text layer.

You can use the LIGHT INTENSITY property of the light layer to make it extra bright.

Another setting that's important is the SPECULARITY property of the text layer. You might want to set it to 0 to remove the white specular highlights.

Try the following settings to create a warm gold-like material:

text layer:COLOUR(255,110,0)
text layer:SPECULARITY(0)
light layer:LIGHT INTENSITY(3)

Mark the ALL KEYS checkbox to change the active property of all keys at the same time. If you forget this, the property will be animated.

michiel, 14 years ago


Elect1, 14 years ago

So how do you create the reflection on text? I never found a way to do that :(


leel8370, 14 years ago

As is the case with all effects you need 2 things:
1) an effect (also called "effect file", "FX file", "shader" or simply "FX")
2) a texture (also called "picture", "image" or "photo")

Both are conveniently displayed in the F9 dialog. This is the most important dialog of the application. It is also displayed when you:
-choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT...
-choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE...
-press F8

When you select the text layer and press F9 you can see that it uses:
1) the effect: ReflectiveFloor_CubeMapDDS.fx
2) the texture: CubeMap_BlackAndWhite.DDS

Creating the effect and the texture is difficult, but using it is easy: simply press F9 and select them!

michiel, 14 years ago

I am having trouble getting the CubeMap_BlackAndWhite.DDS
to show in my texture list.I downloaded your show and saved all media files.When I go to open my show and want to apply
this effect it dosent show in my list of textures.
I follow your instructions:
When you select the text layer and press F9 you can see that it uses:
1) the effect: ReflectiveFloor_CubeMapDDS.fx (ok its there)
2) the texture: CubeMap_BlackAndWhite.DDS (no where to be found?)
I saved your show in my Outerspace/Blufftitler/media/shows

lineman55, 14 years ago

ok I found where it went...copied and pasted all is good..thankyou

lineman55, 14 years ago


lifechip, 14 years ago

I love this stunning effect! I'm trying to get the silvery shine to remain on the face of the text for a few seconds, but when I stop the animation, the surface of the text is mostly in shadows. I've tried modifying all the parameters on the Text and Point Light layers, but nothing seems to affect the angle of the light source. Is there a way to do this, or is this a limitation of cube maps?

TIA, John

jaymac42, 13 years ago

I think you are looking for the FX REFLECTION ROTATION property.

Another option is to create your own cubemaps. For example with Bixorama:

michiel, 13 years ago


Thanks! That did it. I thought I modified that property along with all the others, but apparently not. Thanks again.

Best wishes,


jaymac42, 13 years ago

When you say "the text is mostly in shadows" it means that mostly dark parts of the cubemap are visible. There aren't any shadows this show. Remember that cubemapping is totally fake. The objects you see being reflected (in this case the bright and dark areas) only exist in the cubemap:

michiel, 13 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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