michiel | 3 years ago | 27 comments | 12 likes | 2.0K views
LostBoyz, Jeep35, komies and 9 others like this!
On this screenshot you can see 3 suggested new picture layer styles:
-rounded cube
Of course, any shape can be imported with the model layer, but built-in models save time, disk space and money!
Are there any other shapes that you would like to have?
Cone, Pyramid (3, 4 ,6 sides), Prism (3,5,6 sides) Maybe a slider to set the sides ( Spacing third slider?).
Ball different types (soccer, volleyball, tennis).
Is it possible to add to the balloon shape the possibility of a movable constriction. In this way you can simulate the underside of the balloon.
Filip, 3 years ago
The same as Filip has written. I would like the know-how to built models like those shown. I have enough time to spend 'cause we are still in "confinement" for the third time for about 10 days ( may be more, I'm
Eddy, 3 years ago
For the additional models, I confine my little comrades, and I suppose that Filip means by mobile shrinkage, to be able to simulate the valave of the balloon. It will be perfect.
Well done and thank you Michiel!
Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago
Eddy, 3D models are created with 3D modeling software, which is notoriously complex. The idea of BluffTitler is to simplify this. The text layer creates 3D models out of fonts and the picture layer offers a collection of built-in models.
If you want to dive into the world of 3D modelling, Wikipedia has a list of apps:
michiel, 3 years ago
Maybe it is possible to create styles that have one open side? A box, a bowl a simple way to create a present with lid.
Filip, 3 years ago
New shapes are always a good thing. If it is not too complex to implement maybe a diamond shape could be great.
vincent, 3 years ago
Bonjour mon BT est à jour 15.2 je l'ai désinstallé puis réinstallé
et je n'ai pas les 3 nouveaux styles de calque d'image
suggérés : -cube arrondi
Que faire ?
PAT67, 3 years ago
Attendre 15.2.1. Salut Patrick, je ne crois pas que michiel ait déjà implémenté ces nouvelles formes.
vincent, 3 years ago
Thank you all for your suggestions!
The pyramid and cone morph your faces horribly.
The diamond is also difficult to texture, but looks great with a cubemap!
At the bottom you can see a potato chip. The mathematical name is a hyperbolic paraboloid. It looks great with a normalmap. It's simple and fun and is something you do not see as a standard shape in other 3D apps, so that's something we can make a difference with!
michiel, 3 years ago
Great, looking forward to the next release.
Kan we use this "models" also as particles?
Filip, 3 years ago
Filip, the particle layer accepts 3D model files. The installer comes with a demo:
michiel, 3 years ago
The best should be to add holes in the built-in shapes or even in the characters of a text
Jeep35, 3 years ago
The picture layer in the next version will have a 3D STAR style that is based on the 5 platonic solids.
With the 3 sliders of the STAR property you can create lots of interesting shapes, including the basic dodecahedron, stars based on the dodecahedron, but also morph it into its dual shape the icosahedron!
michiel, 3 years ago
Nice...can't wait..
Filip, 3 years ago
A capsule can be created with a text layer.
Use the letter J, a suitable font and the HORIZONTALLY REVOLVED style.
michiel, 3 years ago
very nice. Thanks Michiel, much appreciated.
Rorysee, 3 years ago
I believe implementing a dedicated 3D printing export functionality within BT would significantly enhance its appeal for more artists and designers. This feature would streamline the workflow and empower users to readily translate their creative 3D concepts in BT into tangible prototypes.
SamSaam, a year ago
SamSaam, that's what we all want!
When you want to support the future development of this app, click here:
michiel, a year ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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