NextPreviousHomeVersion 11.2 introduces music visualisation

michiel | 10 years ago | 45 comments | 18 likes | 12.8K views

crispin, ID Production, misterbrains and 15 others like this!

In version 11.2 you can make your layers dance to the beat - perfectly synced and fully automatically!

The demo vid shows some of the new possibilities:
-Make your text dance to the beat
-Make your speakers pound to the beat
-Create 3D spectrum analyzers
-Create abstract music visualisations
-Make your 3D models jump to the beat
-Make your particles dance to the beat

Version 11.2 is launched today and is a free upgrade from version 11.

The show files of the demo video, including the new VJ effects can be downloaded from this page: click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button.

The MP3 file is not included. You can play your own music by selecting the audio layer and pressing the CHANGE AUDIO... button.

Enjoy the new effects!

Download media files (272.5 KB)

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For more info visit the user guide:

michiel, 10 years ago

If you have not yet upgraded to version 11, find your upgrade offer by starting BluffTitler and choosing the menu item HELP > CHECK FOR UPGRADES. Alternatively you can visit this page:

michiel, 10 years ago

WOW!!!! Great upgrade thank you Michiel and team.

Dani, 10 years ago

Fantastic! Thank you Michiel!

LostBoyz, 10 years ago

This is an awesome upgrade!

BillyJack, 10 years ago

This is a totally wonderful effect!!

Thank you so much! :-)))

Ulli, 10 years ago

Michiel . ahora mismo Blufftitler esta por encima de otro programas de composición , yo no conozco ningún otro que pueda hacer esto .
Usted a seguido por el buen camino , y yo estoy seguro que seguirá haciendo muchas mejoras , graciass

Michiel. BluffTitler is now over another composition programs, I do not know of any that can do this.
Followed you to the right path, and I'm sure many will continue improvements
thank you

maitegras, 10 years ago

Not working here. It all looks right. I even named an .mp3 "DEMO.mp3." Rebooted. Installed everything on my laptop. Same. Added audio layer and the new fx to other shows. Still no boogie-woogie. The effects in projects which I replace certainly disappear but audio response is not kicking in. Win7, 64, 11.2.0. Troubleshooting tips?

misterbrains, 10 years ago

Don't forget to install version 11.2 first:

michiel, 10 years ago

I noted earlier that 11.2 was installed. On two different Win7 64 boxes right now. Both rebooted, too. Any troubleshooting tips?

misterbrains, 10 years ago

I am using Win7 64 as well and experience no problems.

Choose HELP > ABOUT BLUFFTITLER to find out if you are using version 11.2

michiel, 10 years ago

Yes, I've re-re-re checked. I really didn't want to look like a total noobie by missing something like that.

misterbrains, 10 years ago

Cannot get vj effects to work. No visualization with the demo projects or a project created by me. And yes, I did load a new audio file...tried mp3 and wav files.

Running Windows 7 64 bit. And version

evangary, 10 years ago

Maybe audio is set to SILENT in the FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE dialog.

michiel, 10 years ago

Indeed it is. Good to know. Thank you.

misterbrains, 10 years ago

Totally uninstalled BluffTitler after I made a backup copy of Media folder. Reinstalled and copied Media folder to BluffTitler's directory and now everything works fine.

evangary, 10 years ago

work under windows 7 64 bit no problem
Lostboys windows update and uninstall Blufftiler first then install the new version.
check some codec pack that can cause conflicts on your pc

maitegras, 10 years ago

Thank you maitegras!

LostBoyz, 10 years ago


julio solano, 10 years ago

Not working here previously, but work now. The audio setting was silent (Thanks Michiel for te tip)

And, weeeeeeeeelllllllll done Don Miguel.

XarquS, 10 years ago

Just to add my contribution, I have Win 7 64 bit and everything is working well. I am extremely impressed by this latest upgrade.
Thank you to all the OuterSpace Team! I am sure that your efforts are much appreciated by the whole BT community.

Bald Runner, 10 years ago entirely new level. Excellent!

minstrel, 10 years ago

Hi Michiel
Any news about the update ? What is new or fixed ?

Jeep35, 10 years ago

The installer of version no longer asks you if you would like to uninstall the old version. It now always does. This option has always caused a lot of confusion.

michiel, 10 years ago

Great !

Jeep35, 10 years ago

Thank you Michiel for great enhancement.

vincent, 10 years ago

Hi Michiel,

Can you make this effect?
VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_3D ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap.fx
VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_2D ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap.fx

Thank you!!

LostBoyz, 10 years ago

Yes I can see the possibilities. However we prefer to see what you and others can do with the existing VJ effects before extending them.

michiel, 10 years ago

Hi Michiel!

The my new show would be needed! My new show 50% is half done:)
I need
VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_3D ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap.fx
VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_2D ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap.fx

and you would be ready:)

LostBoyz, 10 years ago

Are the new effects installed with the new version and where, as I can't find them anywhere :-(

Backflipboy, 10 years ago

Backflipboy, the show files of the demo video, including the new VJ effects can be downloaded from this page: click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button.

michiel, 10 years ago

The VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_3D.fx shader has been updated. It now supports colour mapping (1st texture), reflection mapping (2nd texture) and has a REPEAT property. Take a look at the new show.

Click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button to download the new version.

michiel, 10 years ago

Do you have any plan for effect of growth bixelangelo ornaments with playing music?

SamSaam, 10 years ago

... and now, how to mute the audio? In version has disappeared?

For some situations it is necessary.

XarquS, 10 years ago


LostBoyz, 10 years ago

well it is excellent but, i want frame for vj and i applicated vj dancer fx the result is different itsnot correct, i want fixed it can you help me, please?

julio solano, 10 years ago

SamSaam, good suggestion!

XarquS, you can mute the sound by setting the VOLUME property to 0.

LostBoyz, looking forward to your show!

Julio, what do you mean with "frame for vj"?

michiel, 10 years ago

sorry michiel, its screen for vj, where you put your video music

julio solano, 10 years ago

or video screen i want applicate vj ancer effect

julio solano, 10 years ago

Julio, what is "not correct"?

michiel, 10 years ago

"XarquS, you can mute the sound by setting the VOLUME property to 0."

Oh yeah... Thanks Michiel.

XarquS, 10 years ago

just updated to 11.2 and added these files. It all works but when exporting to a uncompressed avi the sound is all choppy, we are using production quality mp3 audio and the entire clip is only 6 seconds long. Anybody have any ideas/help as to why this is happening?? makes it pretty useless. Running windows 7 pro 64 bit.


fritze, 10 years ago

The answer is: use compression.

You can let BluffTitler do the video compression by choosing COMPRESSED in the FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE dialog but most of the time it's better to do the compression in your NLE.

michiel, 10 years ago

This is GIANT as an effect, I love it !!

But one question: why not installing VJ_xxx.fx in the 11.2 version ?
I discover this article by chance, and get the appropriate .fx and now everything works. Before I discover this article, I did not have the VJ_xxx.fx in my install. Is that normal ?


Declic Video, 10 years ago

Yes this is normal.

michiel, 10 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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