michiel | 4 years ago | 23 comments | 16 likes | 3.4K views
Ilja, Ulli, SparkyVegas and 13 others like this!
Beta testing is going very well. The 64 bit version runs super fast, super stable, no serious bugs have been found and all minor issues could be fixed quickly!
Today we have launched version, which can be seen as 15.0, launch candidate 1.
The most eye-catching new feature in this new beta are the counters in the CHANGE ALL MEDIA buttons in the top right of the browser window.
For example if the CHANGE ALL FONTS button says 3, it means that the active show uses 3 different fonts. This informs you about the complexity of the show at a glance.
Thank you all very much for your comments, suggestions and bug reports!
For download info and more info about beta testing click here:
Choose FILE > New show and get a 1-1-0-0-0-0.
This show only uses 1 text and 1 font.
michiel, 4 years ago
This one from the DJ Markruz pack is more complex: 10-4-23-11-0-8.
You now immediately see that it does not use any models.
michiel, 4 years ago
Very beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GaspareNet, 4 years ago
Me gusta la nueva actualizacion
pero en mi opinion el unico detalle es la barra de direccion, en mi caso no la ultilizo de hecho el modo explorador lo tengo desactivado para que la pantalla sea mas grande
Michiel crees que sea muy necesario tener la barra de direcciones?
Markruz, 4 years ago
Yo siempre trabajo con el Blufftitler asi sin usar el modo explorador por que la pantalla es mas grande
Me gustaria trabajar con los nuevos botones pero sin la barra de direcciones para que la ventana no sea tan pequeña
Markruz, 4 years ago
I have not encountered any problems, full speed ahead "captain" this software is more and more complete.
Franco Aversa, 4 years ago
Lightads, the default position of a top level container layer is (0, 0, 500). This is convenient because the default camera position is (0,0,0). This way the container is clearly visible, right in front of the camera.
The default position of a container inside another container is (0,0,0). In this situation there's no visibility problem because it's already moved to a visible position by its parent.
michiel, 4 years ago
Markruz, the address bar is useful for 3 things:
1) you see which show you are editing
2) you can open shows by typing its URL
3) you can easily select recently opened shows
It's only about 20 pixels high, so it does not eat that much desktop space.
Press <F12> to quickly add/remove the browser bar.
michiel, 4 years ago
Hola, Me he dado cuenta al instalar la V., que todas las carpetas de medios están vacías,
Pero cuando trabajo blufftitler está bien. ¿A que es debido este problema?
persiana, 4 years ago
Persiana, maybe you have installed the beta in another location and are still looking at the old location. I can assure you that no folders have been removed.
michiel, 4 years ago
Michiel, resulta que antes estaba el programa instalado en "Archivos de programa (x86)" y ahora está instalado en "Archivos de programa" con todas sus carpetas bien. Por eso el blufftitler funcionaba bien, Lo que no se, es porque se instaló en "Archivos de programa".
persiana, 4 years ago
Because 64 bit programs are installed under "Archivos de programa" and 32 bit programs under "Archivos de programa (x86)" and the new version is 64 bit.
JCB, 4 years ago
Muchas gracias a MIchiel y JCB por sus ayudas, pues no tenía ni idea de que se instalaban en distinta carpeta según los Bits.
persiana, 4 years ago
Having finally been allotted some time to kick the tires on the Beta I must say this is nothing short of Fantastic! Most notable for me is the speed. I find the browser bar with it's F-12 toggle also nice to have. The counters are sweet!
Looks like BT will be one of the all too few positives for 2020.
Thank you Michiel and the BT Gang.......
SMSgtRod, 4 years ago
Super je viens de faire la mise à jour et j'ai la version
Oui les fonctionnalités des nouveaux boutons de modifications (fontes textures etc)
sont hautement appréciable
Merci Michiel
Great I just updated and I have version
Yes, the functionality of the new modification buttons (fonts textures, etc.)
are highly appreciated
Thanks Michiel
PAT67, 4 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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