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michiel | 5 months ago | 6 comments | 6 likes | 397 views

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Epic Games, who owns Sketchfab, is about to launch a new website called Fab. Registering and uploading models is already possible. Here's a first impression.

Test model

To test the render engine I've used a simple white 3D text. Top screenshot is BluffTitler, middle is Sketchfab and bottom is Fab.


The GUI is very different, but seems to offer the same functionality. I think the GUI looks much better!


Changing the light direction is still pretty difficult. I had trouble using the same light direction on all 3 screenshots. The shadows look slightly better on Sketchfab.

Camera animation

I was hoping Fab would import the camera animation, but it doesn't. So we still have to use the hack to animate the world instead: mark the FAKE CAMERA checkbox in the FILE > EXPORT AS MODEL... dialog. As is done in this model:


Epic has announced that it's not possible to comment on Fab. I however expect them to change this in the near future because it is vital to build a community.


Fab uploads are not immediately published. First upload took 1.5 hours to get approved. Not clear if this is done by human or by AI. The rules for Fab are comparable to Sketchfab, but I expect they will enforce it much more strictly.


Some licenses, including CC Attribution-NonCommercial are not available on Fab.




Fab feels like a less fun version of Sketchfab. As you can read in the above Reddit links, not everybody is happy. Let's hope Epic Games listens to the criticism and will turn Fab into a more fun version of Sketchfab!


How to export a BluffTitler show as a 3D model:

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I don't think FAB.COM is active yet. I tried yesterday and this morning.

lightads, 5 months ago

Thnx Michiel very informative

Filip, 5 months ago

Well done, Michiel.It provides a good method for everyone.

liuyongcai, 5 months ago

How you upload a model on the new FAB site ? i did not find option. Thank you.

vincent, 5 months ago

Vincent, on the site, choose the menu item PUBLISH > LISTINGS and then click on the CREATE NEW LISTING button.

Of course you have to register first, which is a much more laborious procedure than registering to Sketchfab.

michiel, 5 months ago

Michiel when i click on publish i have a 'Start selling on Fab' screen and if i click GET STARTED i enter in a TAX SETUP, i have not LISTING option.

click publish ->

vincent, 5 months ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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