NextPreviousHomePlaylist Window

michiel | 15 years ago | 12 comments | 6 likes | 7.4K views

bylaw, S3XXYM@MM@, allcomb and 2 others like this!

Here's a screenshot of the playlist/sequencer window that will be part of the next version.

A nice feature of the playlist is that you can export the whole playlist as a single video file. The means that if you build your animations out of lots of short shows (as I always do) you no longer have to use your NLE to make a single video file out of it. Very convenient!

Please don't ask me when the next version will be released. As always this depends on the success of the current version: the more copies we sell, the more time we can invest in the next version and the sooner it will be released.

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This clearly a great feature. A crossfade or dissolve transition switch (on / off) can be added between shows in the playlist is a nice add-on.

bylaw, 15 years ago

and . . . . . .it looks like BT will finally have a full screen GUI!

looks really exciting!

kf_daddy, 15 years ago

looks good. Much success to you Michiel.

Elect1, 15 years ago

Can't wait Michiel - BT is without doubt a great programme and it gets better and better -

Eddie, 15 years ago

Michiel, could you add a *.swf support in the next version?

smatbomb, 15 years ago

Can't wait !

oldman1, 15 years ago

Not sure a full screen gui would be a good thing. But the playlist as describe here clearly is very good addition.

Per, 15 years ago

What you are seeing in this screenshot are 3 windows.

The render and the playlist window are fully resizable and all three can be moved.

At any time the tool and the playlist window can be closed/opened independent of each other.

michiel, 15 years ago

I upgraded already to version 8 PRO, but I am not getting the same graphic presentation you show in this example, here is more modern.
In the other hand I don't know, how to get that playlist beside the main window.

snafu, 15 years ago

This screenshot has been created with Windows Vista. Maybe that explains the "modern" look.

To move the playlist window, point to its title bar with the mouse pointer . Then drag the window to the location that you want.

michiel, 15 years ago

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I can't get any playlist at all, and no any Blufftitler Playlist.
But it's OK I can survive.

snafu, 15 years ago

I was wondering where can I find out more about scheduling different playlists. Is there any examples on how to do this anywhere? If not, can you post a tutorial? I would ultimately like to be able to schedule different playlists/shows to run at different times of the day, week and month. To able to play a particuliar playlist or show based on certain event trigger or when and xml node has a certain value or name. There are many uses for this. An intuitive interface to create, control and edit times, shows/playlists as well as other parameters is needed. This would be very powerful in digital signage applications. Thanks for such a wonderful program as it is now very awesome and useful. A Playlist Scheduler Interface would really help turn this already jewel of a program into an extremely powerful real-time automated information system.

kugo, 14 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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