NextPreviousHomeFamous Film Studio Logo

michiel | 18 years ago | 16 comments | 23 likes | 46.4K views

nate, sevp, tesso and 15 others like this!

Here's an attempt to recreate the famous 20th Century Fox logo in BluffTitler. It's big fun replacing the text with your own name and using it in your home videos!

Thanks to Mel for the idea, I hope this is what you're looking for.

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Great effect!

Ulli, 18 years ago

That is awesome! Great job!

mary, 18 years ago


JimH, 18 years ago

Ein toller Spass!

carlo, 18 years ago

Thanks Michiel and Mel, great idea and fun to play with. I always love taking movie effects and stuff and using them in my own home movies.

This will make for a great intro!

Thanks again, and the link is my example with some audio.

dibbkd, 18 years ago

Thanks dibbkd! Maybe you deliberately made the text DIBB stick out, but if you want to make your own text as wide as the other texts you can do this with the first slider of the TEXT SCALE property. (you can select the TEXT SCALE property with the dropdown listbox above the 3 sliders)

michiel, 18 years ago

Hmmm... a spelling mistake in shiny golden 3D. Does this make it less or more wrong?

michiel, 18 years ago

Hi,,,,,, many thanks for the effect

knight, 17 years ago

Niesamowite naprawde dobra robota very great job.

tesso, 17 years ago

Thanks, great intro for my home movies...

denny1945, 17 years ago

how can i download this please

totor, 17 years ago


michiel, 17 years ago

thanks michiel for the response

that's ok

hello from belgium

totor, 17 years ago

Much closer than the real thing, but it's cute *g*

Per, 16 years ago


Longerjohn, 16 years ago

Wauww, still great!!!

henrikoelund, 11 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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