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michiel | 11 years ago | 7 comments | 6 likes | 4.4K views

Carlos Marques, Ulli, IntroChamp and 3 others like this!

If you have ever created a website you will be familiar with the phenomenon of a CMS system.

CMS stands for Content Management System and is used to edit the texts, pictures and videos on a website.

There are hundreds of different CMS systems and they all claim to be "easy to use". From my personal experience however I can tell you that using such systems can be a real nightmare. I have spent days figgering out how to change simple texts on simple webpages...

Now that BluffTitler shows are getting bigger and bigger a similar problem has occurred: how do I change this text in this BluffTitler show? Finding the right layer can be a real challenge.

To make this task easier, last year, the EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTS dialog has been introduced. This allows you to edit all texts the current show is using in a single dialog. This turned out to be a huge time saver!

In the latest version 10.1 it's even faster to use because the dialog has its own button in the upper right corner of the render window.

The easiest CMS is a video CMS!

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I use this feature everyday. Now, I can't imagine not having it! :)

IntroChamp, 11 years ago

What fascinates me is that I use it even for my own shows.

Shows that I fully understand and for which I have no problems finding the right layers.

I must be lazy and impatient :)

michiel, 11 years ago

I also use this feature all day, very good :)

Carlos Marques, 11 years ago

"I must be lazy and impatient :)"

I'd say it was more that you want to be efficient, and have good time-management.

Anyway, thanks for adding those new icons. I feel they are a TREMENDOUS benefit.

IBMedia, 11 years ago

Feature request - unless I'm doing something wrong then I'll be happy to be shown the error of my ways!

I am a massive fan of change all XXXX; it saves so much time when using templates of rehashing your own old show but....

When I create a new show I often leave texture blank. I want the get the general movement sorted first. Now my show is ready to have the actual textures etc added, I go to change all textures but!!!! Nothing is displayed. I think "change all" requires you to have added a texture/text first?

Can we have a change all that lists all layers whether they have had a texture added or not. I may work differently to others but I think that would be really useful?

Dave - keep up the good work!

DaveH, 11 years ago

Every layer can have 2 textures (that you can edit in the F9 dialog). Not only the picture layer, but any layer type. You do not have to use both texture slots, but you can.

If we implement your idea, the CHANGE ALL TEXTURES dialog will always have 2 entries for every layer, making the number of textures to explode. I think this will not make it easier to use templates.

Why do you not use a white picture to indicate that this layer can have a texture? The installer comes with White.png for this purpose. You can find it in the BluffTitler/Media/Textures folder.

michiel, 11 years ago

Fair point!


DaveH, 11 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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