EYELENE | 11 years ago | 9 comments | 2.5K views
I created a show that I saved but when I wanted to make changes it was not in the folder I saved it in.
So I redid it and saved it again with another name.
However, I can't see that one either.
I clicked all three: save/save as/save show + all media files.
When I click open show neither one shows up as well as when I go into the actual folder.
But when I clicked to save a third show I see both shows in the folder even though I can't see them to open. I don't understand this at all.
In addition, after I saved it as a movie and tried to play it back it was really slow and choppy.
I can play other avi movies on my computer so what's the problem?
If you use,
on the render window, you should find it listed there.
IBMedia, 11 years ago
I think you are looking at 2 different locations.
Remember the folder you saved your shows in and go to the same folder when you open a show.
BluffTitler remembers your open and save locations, but unlike other appplications, they do not have to be the same (the open location isn't updated when you save, and the other way round)
michiel, 11 years ago
I have a folder called saved BT Shows.
I put all the shows in that folder but both 1 and 2 are not in there.
However, when I look in file/open recent they are there.
Very strange. How many recent shows will it show?
I'm afraid if I go back in a month to make changes they won't show up.
EYELENE, 11 years ago
The default save show location is:
my documents/blufftitler/shows
This is because the my documents folder is where Microsoft wants you to store your personal files. Maybe you can find your shows in there.
If this doesn't work you can let Windows search your whole system for .bt files by pressing the Windows logo key +F:
michiel, 11 years ago
If you can open the files via the "Open recent" option, then it should tell you the location of the show in the render window.
IBMedia, 11 years ago
Windows also keeps track of recent locations.
In the file dialog you can see a RECENT LOCATIONS button.
michiel, 11 years ago
Oh boy, so bizarre.
I went to my documents/blufftitler/shows but the whole folder was empty even though I have a lot of saved shows.
Then I did a search for the .bt file and it showed up in the search box.
But it said it was in an entirely different folder even though when I went to that folder it wasn't there.
When I clicked on it to open it up in the program it opened but the edit box didn't open up with it and I don't know how to make that happen.
I'm going to give up because I don't want to keep bothering you guys about this.
I just hope I don't have to make anymore changes in the future and I don't have this same problem with other shows.
EYELENE, 11 years ago
You can show/hide the edit box by pressing F11 or by choosing SETTINGS > TOOL WINDOW.
I advise you to play around a bit more with the Windows file browser and search functionality. It is important that you can find your way into the folder structure and be able to find and copy files from any place to any place. Not only for BluffTitler show files.
michiel, 11 years ago
EYELENE, 11 years ago