michiel | 4 years ago | 13 comments | 15 likes | 1.3K views
Markruz, Ulli, agpvn and 12 others like this!
Here are the release notes of version, launched today:
The Bix model and effect have been updated.
The model is more smooth and the texture is easier to edit. The new model is compatible in size and shape, but since the UV map has been slightly changed, the old textures are not 100% compatible.
The Bix effect now allows you to open the mouth with the 2nd slider of the FX Period, Mouth prop. Use a negative value to close his mouth.
In the Effects/Special folder you can find the new Dino effect. It is going to be used in the forthcoming BixPack 39 | Dinos and Dragons. It's useless without a matching 3D model, but it allows you to peek at its functionality.
In the Effects/System folder you can find the new UVMap effect. This creates a template texture of a 3D model. It can be handy when a 3D model does not come with an example texture.
The installer has a demo show:
The Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCameraAdditive and Special/RotateTowardsCameraSubtractive effects now have an FX Roll prop. This rotates the texture in view space.
When the All layers checkbox is marked, now only the visible layers of the same type are affected:
The sampling artifacts of the cloth effect of the picture layer have been removed.
The DirectShow error messages are more descriptive. For example when running out of disk space, it tells which drive it it trying to write to and how much space is left.
2 old effect have been converted: V11/V11_Mirror8 and V11/V11_PricklyPearReflection. They are only meant to play old shows. Please try to avoid the old V11 effects in new projects.
Thank you all for your feedback!
As always, the latest version can be downloaded from the download page:
Great let's try it. Thnx Michiel!
Nice show Pat67.
Filip, 4 years ago
Merci Michiel pour toutes ces améliorations.
Quelle belle voix, notre Bix ! Bravo Patrick !
Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago
Great update and again it`s free !!!
- Is it possible to import other x models, not bix, (for example cat-toy), and use the effect Bix FX?
ID Production, 4 years ago
Gracias Michiel, muy buena actualización! Esto es fantástico.
Jesus, 4 years ago
I love the new Bix effect!
Thank you so much, Michiel!
@ Vincent and PAT
Your videos are great!
Ulli, 4 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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