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michiel | 2 years ago | 18 comments | 12 likes | 1.8K views

LostBoyz, vincent, Ulli and 9 others like this!

Here's my solution to the Elvis Enigma:

The glow effect requires 16.1. To use another logo, choose EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTURES... and replace the Bix2.png picture by your own logo.

I'm sure the result can be improved with better textures, but in this solution I have limited myself to the ones from the installer. That's why it's less than 15KB.

When you have any question about this show, please ask.

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WoW! Thank you Michiel! AWESOME!

LostBoyz, 2 years ago

Thank you michiel.

vincent, 2 years ago

Nice.Thank you Michiel

chaver, 2 years ago


songbaojin, 2 years ago

Merci bien Michel.

le beau jojo, 2 years ago

Hermosamente impresionante!!

EDWIN, 2 years ago

Merci Michiel

Eddy, 2 years ago


elvis66, 2 years ago

Thank you.

Decentralized, 2 years ago

Thank you michiel.

liuyongcai, 2 years ago


Filip, 2 years ago

Great! Thanks a lot, Michiel!

Ulli, 2 years ago

Thank you Michiel for this inspiring template!

Thor5ten, 2 years ago

Great instructive show. Many thanks!

bhp2000, 2 years ago

That's great, thank you Michiel! But here's what intrigues me: how do you manage to automatically generate sketch layers 8, 13 & 18, from a traced image layer? Is it magic or rather something that escapes me? because I did a test with my "Choucas" logo and it's perfect!

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

Merci ce partage donne de quoi s'inspirer

PAT67, 2 years ago

Alex-Raymond T, after creating a sketch layer (choose LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD SKETCH LAYER...) you can make it trace a bitmap by choosing MEDIA > CHANGE TRACED PICTURE... and selecting a transparent PNG.

When the same bitmap is used by multiple layers (picture, sketch,...) you can update them all at the same time by choosing EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTURES...

michiel, 2 years ago

I didn't know (or had forgotten) that you could draw a bitmap on a sketch layer by choosing MEDIA > CHANGE PLOTTED IMAGE... and selecting a transparent PNG.
Then all you have to do is scale it back.
Thank you very much Michiel for your very detailed answer.

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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