michiel | 16 years ago | 8 comments | 5 likes | 6.8K views

Tester, godzilladidit, carlo and 2 others like this!

The next version of BluffTitler will support bitmap fonts!

The utility we're currenlty working on to create bitmap alphabets is going to be called Alphabix. With Alphabix you can convert truetype fonts into bitmap fonts and, more importantly, replace individual characters with bitmaps. In this example we have replaced every character with a picture we have cut out of a magazine.

We're very proud to announce that we have managed to fully integrated bitmap fonts into BluffTitler: the only GUI change will be a SELECT BITMAP FONT button in the font dialog (F6). This way text and scroller layers can easily switch between vector and bitmap fonts.

Alphabix 1.0 and the next version of BluffTitler supporting bitmap fonts will be released before the end of the year.

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The main purpose of Alphabix is to create bitmap fonts for use in BluffTitler, but it will also feature HTML export. Here's an interactive HTML demo. Currenty only the characters A to I (upper case) have been replaced, but more are coming:


michiel, 16 years ago

Ich freu mich schon drauf! :)

Ulli, 16 years ago

Before the end of the year? My God, put wings to michiel ;-)


XarquS, 16 years ago

For Chirstmas ? .... Nice!

vincent, 16 years ago

is there allready a sharper release date nov or dec ?

erikger, 16 years ago

Probably around December 1st. As always, the new version will be announced in this gallery.

The Alphabix product page is under construction and can be viewed here:


michiel, 16 years ago

thank you michiel

for your support and such great progs

thank you very much

erikger, 16 years ago

Habe das HTML Demo probiert.
Damit sind wohl wieder viele neue Ideen moeglich!
Ich freue mich darauf.

carlo, 16 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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