michiel | 2 years ago | 4 comments | 8 likes | 1.1K views
Ilja, Ulli, xinyi and 5 others like this!
Jeep35 has translated the in-app users guide into French. This means that all 586 styles and properties are now explained in French when you press <F1>.
Merci beaucoup Jeep35!
The translations of the buttons, menu items and dialogs have been updated for the following languages:
1 Chinese(Simplified)
2 Chinese(Traditional)
3 English
4 Espanol
5 Francais
6 Italiano
7 Kreyol
8 Magyar
9 Nederlands
10 Suomi
Thanks to all translators!
The updated translations come with the latest version. Choose SETTINGS > Options... to switch from language.
Also, in this latest version, an optimization has been implemented that not only makes the app run a bit faster, but also made the executable file slightly smaller. Win win!
Version, launched today, can be downloaded from the download page:
Great! It's getting better and better.
I use only the english version but I can immagine when you are a new user you want to use it in your native language.
I'm surprised to see that there is no german version. A pitty it's not my native language.
Filip, 2 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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