michiel | 14 years ago | 8 comments | 5 likes | 6.9K views
Yousef, GreenfishPete, stor and 1 other like this!
Here's a collection of FX files that have been designed for the following 6 text effects:
The effects require version 8.0.7 or higher.
Press the CHANGE EFFECT.. button to apply an effect to the active layer.
Play around with the FX properties to find out what you can do with the effects.
Thanks so much for the really cool effects
GreenfishPete, 14 years ago
thanks for these Fx
and also by the improvements in 8.0.7
maitegras, 14 years ago
Great stuff from an excellent team.
Yousef, 14 years ago
Is it possible to add an image (such as Hand.png) to the FX that is used on Layer 11?
I believe it's MarqueeLights_Additive.fx
That would the fx very very useful.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
BluffTitler does not know anything about properties that start with FX. They are performed by your graphics card.
michiel, 12 years ago
What I meant was ... couldn't an image entered as Texture1 or Texture2 be used in the FX and follow the outline of the text as it gets created?
IBMedia, 12 years ago
This video shows the MarqueeLights fx drawing the outline of the letters as if it was being drawn by hand, but it would be great if there was a way to get hand.jpg or a similar image to follow the creation of the outline.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
I know exactly what you want. This is not possible with the Marquee Lights FXs.
michiel, 12 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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