michiel | 17 years ago | 5 comments | 7 likes | 9.7K views
SoCal Chris, Tester, IBMedia and 4 others like this!
This animation uses the CLOTH effect of the picture layer to create a newspaper tumbling in the sky.
You can select the CLOTH effect with the 1st dropdown listbox below the textbox in the picture layer.
Thanks to Chris for the idea!
WOW! I asked Michiel for help with an idea and now we have 5 to choose from. You captured exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!!!!!!
SoCal Chris, 17 years ago
Ik kijg de melding This show requires Blufftitle version 7.11 o higher. Maar ik heb de laatste versie 7.14 geinstalleerd alsook de laatste direct X. Toch kan ik dit en nog andere filmpjes niet afspelen. Wat is er verkeerd?
Jenny, 17 years ago
Die melding wordt altijd getoond, dus dat is het problem niet.
Wat gaat er precies mis? Wat zie je op het scherm?
michiel, 17 years ago
The show won't play. It comes up with an "MLib" error saying it can't download it from the site. Is there any other way to get the show?
sfwriter, 10 years ago
Maybe your firewall does not allow BluffTitler to connect to the internet.
This page explains how to fix this:
michiel, 10 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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